thanks for the reminder! don’t want another potential denvercoder9 situation
thanks for the reminder! don’t want another potential denvercoder9 situation
I get it, I can also barely force myself to get out of the bed. It just feels a bit demeaning to have an employee call you to wake you up. But maybe that’s just a personal thing
I never understood the concept of wake up calls. We have had alarm clocks since a long time
It’s decent as long as you have adequate numbers of cpu cores and memory for the apps/VMs you run
I say this every time. But what did they leak this time?
I’m not from the US, so pardon my ignorance. But holy shit, this place looks depressing as fuck. I don’t know if it’s the concrete jungle or the lack of walkability, but it just looks sad
Yeah, methinks a gradient would have been better instead of a solid demarcation
That’s just bread
Is this the freaking antithesis of reproducible builds‽ Sheesh, just thinking of the implications in the build pipeline/supply chain makes me shudder
I enjoy old boring movies they can’t stand watching on 1x
Wanna recommend some that left a mark? :)
Thank you for your sacrifice.
Which router did you go for, by the way?
Nice to meet you, Jia Tan
Got your nose!
I’ve never needed the big light yet, but what if some day I do, then I’d hate looking around and not finding the freaking bulb
My god!
You just insulted my entire race of people, but yes.jpg
Heck yeah, look at the pretty blue colours! So good! Who needs the sun
This is a common but solvable problem. I’m afk so can’t link the right pages, but look up the LibreOffice and/or consistent gtk/qt theming entries on Arch Wiki
Edit: might be useful. It also links to, which is worth looking into as well
And I love it. Honestly, it’s so cool and pretty. Fuck the summer
Code new roman! It’s so cosy, and readable. I am a sucker for fonts with the cursive styled ‘a’