In the US, this typically works with (zip code)-867-5309
In the US, this typically works with (zip code)-867-5309
Windshield wipers were invented by a woman.
Automatic elevator doors were invented by a Black man.
Alan Turning.
But tell me again how diverse people don’t make successful products?
100%. You wouldn’t hire right-wing “celebs” internally and to the board if you just want your own posts to do better.
2FAS is open source and doesn’t have a cloud presence to store data. You can use it to add 2FA to your other services as well.
I switched all my domains to Porkbun. No way I’m hanging out in Squarespace land.
Both female and male patients had a lower patient mortality when treated by female physicians; however, the benefit of receiving care from female physicians was larger for female patients than for male patients.
Of note, the study was conducted on 800k senior citizens.
The findings may not be generalizable to younger populations.
It’s a video game show that uses the rules of the video game world.
I use it when I’m traveling and am on insecure WiFi.
However, it doesn’t let you pick your egress location,.so if you’re trying to get to PornHub in Texas, it won’t help.
AI and LLM have earned a bad reputation in creative circles because of the push to eliminate creative jobs. Companies that want to build tools for creative communities should know this and not lean on AI-hype marketing.
That being said, in my opinion, Storywise looks fishy as heck. It’s probably a few tech bros using Azure’s DIY GPT. They pinky promise not to use your manuscripts in training data, but there’s no contact info on their website, including in the ToS. So when they inevitably break their promise or have a data breach, how do you sue them?
The release notes mention why they request each one.
Checkout https://infosec.exchange instead of blocking Threads, the admin made a second instance for people who wanted Threads blocked. Like 40 people migrated, lol
What is missing is that the podcast originally claimed it was entirely written and generated by AI. They only changed the story when they were sued.
And I don’t think any of their nude photos are appropriate for academic papers (unrelated to nudity research) either?
Yeah. The arbitration section of the agreement specifically says it only applies to US residents.
Your hyperbole makes it obvious you have no place in a reasonable debate about this topic.
I love when people conflate rights and ethics. I agree with you that no one has a right to be listed on Fedi Garden. And I still think it’s not nice to pressure admins into taking choice away from users.
“I don’t think it’s nice to federate with a company that has been cited in multiple independent reports of massacres/genocides,”
And I don’t think it’s nice to take the choice away from users. I can block threads all on my own – I don’t need a nanny who doesn’t even cite their sources.
Your entire comment reads as a refute of OPs criticism and an excuse for Meta’s actions. If you were agreeing with OPs criticism, you would typically use phrases like “only five years”.
And? Why take active steps to stop it from working instead of just stopping technical support? Oh yeah, to get more money.
Similarly, in my typing class, they’d have you type the same paragraph a few times. The program didn’t notice copy and paste.