Saw them on the Skinty Fia tour and they were brilliant
A bar with Nazis in it is a Nazi bar
Wow you made quite a stretch from what I actually said. Try to understand nuance, politics isn’t always black and white. People who criticise one thing don’t have to support the biggest alternative
I wasn’t saying him dying was good, but I was saying that the people acting like he is some kind of perfect hero are ignorant and deserve to be called out on it
but he doesn’t like Putin so he must be a great flawless person who can never be critisiced
She’s the interim CEO though
Do you think someone is going to try to shoot down her plane or something??? She still has that security with her right before takeoff and right after she lands
Me when privilege
Trade of military goods is entirely controlled by the government
I’m not sure if there’s direct funding but we certainly continue to support them militarily and sell them weapons via our arms companies
According to Campaign Against Arms Trade, between 2016 and 2020, the UK issued single individual export licences for arms sales to Israel to a value of £400m.
Between 2018 and 2020 the British Ministry of Defence bought £46m worth of military equipment from Elbit
Edit 2:
Cleverly said that the UK-Israel trade relationship was worth about £7bn, with more than 400 Israeli tech firms operating in the UK.
12 out of 13000 UNRWA staff in Gaza are being accused of in some way being involved with Hamas. The UK immediately withdraws all funding.
Why do they not do the same when Israeli soldiers commit war crimes?
Most iPhone users definitely don’t use chrome
Finally beat BOTW, so I’ll say that
I knew it looked familiar! My local countryside, beautiful place
Love this band so much and this did not disappoint. Listened to it this morning on Spotify and then the vinyl copy I preordered arrived so listening again now.