Intel NUC running Linux. Not the cheapest solution but can play anything and I have full control over it. At first I tried to find some kind of programmable remote but now we have a wireless keyboard with built-in touchpad.
Biggest downside is that the hardware quality is kind of questionable and the first two broke after 3 years + a few months, so we’re on our third now.
The most common reasons to buy Prusa that I have heard are their 24/7 support, warranty and wanting to support a European company. I’m not entirely up to date with Chinese manufacturers, so things could have changed, but at least in the past Fysetc, Blurolls and even Trianglelab seemed to be on par, or even exceeding, Prusa quality for printers and parts.
This is my wireguard docker setup:
version: "3.6"
image: linuxserver/wireguard
container_name: wireguard
- PUID=116
- PGID=122
- TZ=Europe/Stockholm
- /data/torrent/wireguard/config:/config
- /lib/modules:/lib/modules
- # Deluge webui
- # jackett webui
- # prowlarr webui
- 51820:51820/udp # wireguard
- # Deluge RPC
- net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1
- net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1
- net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1
restart: unless-stopped
Can reach the webuis from LAN, no other network configuration was necessary. is the server’s LAN address. The other services are configured very similar to your qbittorrent, and don’t expose any ports. Can’t promise it’s 100% correct but it’s working for me.
Do you know how to check for bowden gap, and how to hot tighten the hotend/nozzle in order to prevent it?
Hope you decided to buy neither of the two in the end, since Flashforge is also known for being anti-consumer and their shady business practices. Out of the two I’d actually go with Bambu Lab if I didn’t care about openness and modding, since their printers at least seem to have fairly good quality.
Found the blog post that I was thinking of, with a little more about Prusa’s relation with opene source.
I admit this is speculation, but I got the impression that Prusa is moving away from open source because they’re salty about other companies cloning their products and selling them much cheaper than the “original” parts. Proprietary parts, patents, etc. is of course worse for the user than a fully open ecosystem, but he isn’t necessarily going full anti-consumer.
As long as they are talking about normal things and not playing D&D 😃
My paranoia level: Even though I’m pretty good with computers in general, I would not trust myself to set up a safe public facing service, which is the reason that I don’t have any of those on my home server. If I needed something like that I wouldn’t self host it.
The question is probably more related to what he has done rather than what he is doing right now, and he is kind of famous for having created Linux in the past. To someone who doesn’t know anything about Linux licenses I think it would be easy to suspect that Torvalds might have some kind of ownership of his creation.
If you’re using Pipewire, have you checked if you can re-route the audio sink using qpwgraph?
The “meh key” simulates pressing ctrl+alt+shift at the same time. Can’t find any particular keyboard having it first, could have been added to QMK and then people who wanted it just added it to their layouts.
I was expecting more entries on a certain theme for version 420 ;)
Apex with EAC worked perfectly fine on Linux for the last 2 years, EA just decided to break it by replacing EAC with their own anti-cheat which is Windows only.
Add “” to your google query.
Sad thing is that search engines have got so bad, and usually return so much garbage blog spam that searching directly on reddit is more likely to give useful results. I hope a similar amount of knowledge will build up on Lemmy over time.
We just had Windows Update brick itself due to a faulty update. The fix required updating them manually while connected to the office network, making them unusable for 2-3 hours. Another issue we’ve had is that Windows appears to be monopolizing virtualization HW acceleration for some memory integrity protection, which made our VMs slow and laggy. Fixing it required a combination of shell commands, settings changes and IT support remotely changing some permission, but the issue also comes back after some updates.
Though I’ve also had quite a lot of Windows problems at home, when I was still using it regularly. Not saying Linux usage has been problem free, but there I can at least fix things. Windows has a tendency to give unusable error messages and make troubleshooting difficult, and even when you figure out what’s wrong you’re at the mercy of Microsoft if you are allowed to change things on your own computer, due to their operating system’s proprietary nature.
Already? I’m still using Fedora 39 since that’s the only version supported by CUDA Toolkit :S
On Linux, AMD GPUs work significantly better than Nvidia ones. If you have a choice, choose an AMD
Unless you’re interested in AI stuff, then Nvidia is still the best choice. Some libraries are HW accelerated on AMD, and hopefully more will work in the future.
It was surprisingly difficult to find, the majority of comments about 6.3 were people saying it was working great, but I guess most people don’t use ICC profiles for their monitors.