GeForce 3 Ti 200.
Combined with a athlon xp 1800+ and blistering 512 MB DDR Ram I was simply TEARING through Warcraft 3 and Half Life. Thanks mom.
GeForce 3 Ti 200.
Combined with a athlon xp 1800+ and blistering 512 MB DDR Ram I was simply TEARING through Warcraft 3 and Half Life. Thanks mom.
Eradication is really hard. If you just kill mosquitoes in a certain area, what’s gonna stop them from coming back? You’re just not gonna get all of them.
This way you introduce a mutation that can actually propagate through the gene pool, disabling the undesired trait for future generations. It’s also highly selective, so that you don’t accidentally get rid of other species or poison an area with pesticides.
Also living beings have no “purpose”. They fill an evolutionary niche and shape the ecological system around them. The piss off us, so we play a little god, but nature has no opinions or morals whatsoever.
Love popOS, but it did not play well with my multi monitor setup. It just couldn’t deal with different resolutions (qhd laptop, two fhd monitors) and sizes. Mint can. So I am back to Mint and stopped worrying about distro hopping.
I don’t want to compile anything. I don’t want to “make”. I don’t want to use command lines. I don’t want to download Rust. Or know the difference between python2 and python3 and how you still have to be specific about it. I never wanna read a git manual with lines that mean nothing to me again. I don’t care about snap or flatpack or whatever package distribution gives me a year old version of my program on this distro and how that version differs from the one from the webpage.
Sorry Linux, but a big download button, double click, “install to c:/program files”, “want a short cut to desktop”, done. is the gold standard for 99% of applications.
I know there are reasons. But still, it sucks.
Cut it stripes, some salt, fry in a pan and you can throw it over a lot of dishes.
Botanical fun fact: cabbage is just a variant of Brassica oleracea, which includes like every tasty vegetable on the planet: cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, kohlrabi, kale, collards, all kinds of cabbage shapes, colours and sizes, and more.
I wish I liked them. They seem so useful and plentiful, but they taste so utterly interesting to me. Yes, if they are slathered in oil and perfectly grilled and seasoned, they are fine. But then again what isn’t.
We had a bright orange magic box that was connected to a beige windows 95 box that you were never allowed to turn off because nobody knew if it would survive a reboot and there was no software for the orange box for a more modern setup. Almost felt an like arcane ritual, typing in the command lines to get it to work.