Looks like a lostedit meme
Looks like a lostedit meme
What is shit about it
You’re saying the original Oculus is a better performing product than its modern counterpart? I don’t think you’re really saying that, so why won’t you be clear in what you’re actually saying instead of being vague and pretending you’re making such a smart and perceptive comment.
Perhaps you’re talking about his business practices or his work ethic that you don’t agree on. Say something that doesn’t sound ridiculously stupid, and in such a manner that I can ACTUALLY understand what the fuck you’re talking about.
I see, but wouldn’t it make more “human readable sense” to order spaces before any other character? Any human working with analog archives would rank 5 A before 5.5 A, since they think 5 is 5.0 in their head
yes yes I get what you’re saying but it’s still odd. Didn’t humans do this differently in the old analog days? I’m sure any human when working with a real paper archive in front of him, order 5 A before 5.5 A. Perhaps it has something to do with viewing 5 as 5.0 and 5.00, since they are mathematically equivalent, and come before 5.5. Although humans would also be inconsistent because they would order 5.9 before 5.11 if the context were to be chapters going from 5.9 -> 5.10 -> 5.11. But if these papers were to represent values, humans would order 5.9 AFTER 5.11. And computers obviously don’t make exceptions based on context like humans do.
edit: if I understand correctly, I’d be cleaner if spaces come first in character ranking of ANY character. Perhaps that’d make it more human readable.
I know he also wasted a lot of money (software side of metaverse), but he also put a lot of R&D into virtual reality headsets, which he will continue to develop.
Maybe but then it should be either one of these, not just the abolishment of one.
They also drive innovation
So how did you stop the referer header from doing that. I’d imagine it to be a clear simple command since it ought to be. Or was it not that straightforward?
The main reason of Google’s financing is probably because they don’t want to be accused of a browser monopoly. So this will stop, leaving Firefox with very little income.
I’m not sure if the reason you said is enough for them to keep paying.
Google search is not the same thing as google Chrome
I never said that
Can you be more specific?
This is the most unhinged shit I ever read
I think maybe Fedora but probably less software available
So some WLAN devices just can’t make any DNS requests that are outside your LAN, correct? But what if they use a hardcoded ip, wouldn’t that circumvent everything?
I am enrolled in university which may be the sad part. Anyway, thanks for thr advice, I’m going to look further
Yeah everything is biased. Weird but whatever
Thx. Any idea where I can learn the right way that is clearer than this sloppy business? I basically threw in the towel of all courses since this hiccup
Why is it called “hate” crime
Edit: im not sure what warning i should add to make it clear my question was an actual question instead of “an attempt to derail the debate” or whatever people said. Jesus fk people are reactive
thanks I’ll check it out. It’s for physics