They are going to claim that if their patents are here illegally they aren’t ‘subject to the jurisdiction thereof’. No matter how stupid that idea is their supreme court may let it go anyway. They already shit all over other parts of the 14th.
They are going to claim that if their patents are here illegally they aren’t ‘subject to the jurisdiction thereof’. No matter how stupid that idea is their supreme court may let it go anyway. They already shit all over other parts of the 14th.
Plus you never notice people shoplifting. We dont know people’s situation but we dam well know corperations can fuck off.
Makes you wonder about all of their claims of stolen elections.
It looks really important but dam that site is cancer on mobile.
The pathfinder bundles have been pretty good
Well duh, a comparatively tiny amount of minorities changing how they vote or not voting doesn’t matter if half of all white people can’t be counted on to vote for racism.
Idk about Montpelier but Aspen is kind of connected to a more populated area in the Roaring Fork valley.
It might not count as a city but Nome Alaska has the Iditarod with only, 3700 people. Or maybe some famous battlefield, Gettysburg has 7100 people. A ski resort like Aspen could count with 7000. We all had to memorize state capitals so maybe somewhere like Montpelier, Vermont has more recognition but has 7800 people.
She’s being worked on still so I’m not sure of her state but USS Texas is in Galveston. A WWI dreadnought battleship that is pretty awesome to go see. Only one left in the world.
Unfortunately people like routine. Look how many people went back to reddit after the mobile disaster.
Or if it was available most places.
Battle for Middle Earth games. Both were awesome and can be played easily on modern hardware. But because of legal shit and the owners not carring enough you can’t give them money to play it. And the demand is there, based on how much disks go on eBay.
It would take a big dose of hopium to believe this will amount to anything.
RIP western
I hope they do it. Unions showing their power and improving the conditions for their workers. Some of what they are asking for is rollback of consessions they gave when the auto market was way down 15 years ago. It’s massively recovered since then.
Because it’s much easier than making their own Linux version.
Valve learned their lesson from the steam machines and isn’t just working with 3rd parties with steamos.
With an unlimited budget I’d go for the whole cosmere.
With a good app and a dedicated account it was possible to create a curated selection that was easy to ‘browse’ one handed.
Wait FTL is on mobile? That sounds amazing… dang it looks like it is ios only.
As someone unfortunately still living here I support it