None of this you can actually backup with proof. Its just your gut feeling because you are afraid to get up and take responsibility. You just need a excuse for your inaction.
None of this you can actually backup with proof. Its just your gut feeling because you are afraid to get up and take responsibility. You just need a excuse for your inaction.
You dont know the future and you dont know what hope is left. Stop being such a defeatist. Either do something positive or go smoke some weed or something…
Dont pretend the rest of the world are saints. I live in Europe, we also have the rise of extreme right (fascism)… Less judging other people and more protesting. We need eachother, now is not the time for infighting.
We dont need a large army to defend ourselfs. Just enough to deter.
Yeah, just like we should eat more meat. Meat is just a waste product of the leather industry! Eating meat helps stop climate change because then we dont need to eat plants that are mono culture that use up space of trees.
Healthy relationships with people. This costs a lot of time and energy, but well worth it in the end.
It is made by exploiting people and the enviroment. You are paying atop of the commercial price also a humanitarian and enviromental price. Slavelabor & Ecocide
Israel would have to occupy Tehran to stop the funding & arming of the terrorism that it is fighting. Do they roll their tanks through irak and syria to get there? And doesnt Iran have nukes by now?
The only option for peace is a two state solution. All the sides have to start talking and stop fighting. And that starts with Israel.
Ukraine should lift its command centre to tank against the spore while the banshee takes out the hive, easy win.
You can block users.
There are so many other people preventing climate change that are not trowing stuff at art. You can join them. If a little group of people doing non violent/non destructive behavior is already preventing you from acting to protect our planet. Then you where never interested in protecting it to begin with.
No, those people already dont care. They just need an excuse for their inaction.
I am not American. I am Dutch.
Cats commit genocide on the avian population. If they would learn to behave they would get outside priviliges.
I think this varies. Different games, different communities.
Can malicious people who steal you retinal and fingerprint duplicate it to unlock whatever it was protecting?
I have never seen a vegan preach, here or on reddit. But i have seen hundreds of comments complaining about preachy vegans.
Only the people who sit on their ass all day are the virus. Just be honest and confess your just to lazy to even try and make a difference.