In your mind, the law dictates right and wrong?
In your mind, the law dictates right and wrong?
Those shrimp are cool.
Yes, but the spec is intentionally flexible about some things, so a bit of work has to be done to ensure compatibility.
But also the cartel thing.
And the gov is apparently “protecting” us from solving this ourselves with black market eggs. Bootleggs?
There are a few Fediverse projects trying to recreate them:
I bet things would pick up in a no internet scenario.
Hey from another cishet in queer spaces. We just realize where the fun is. 😉
That movie is Terminal, with Tom Hanks.
I hope you don’t because stateless. I hear it’s usually much less pleasant than just airport shenanigans.
… Come to think of it, turning (parts of) airports into housing for people who have lost citizenship would be hella punk. Can we do that?
Welcome to the group. 😁
I like the FreeBSD option because Beastie, but also GuixSD for something truly different.
If I recall, the rule of thumb is orders of magnitude. If you have 100 active users, there are probably about 1,000 lurkers, and only 10 substantial users that account for most of your content.
This is the rule from corporate marketing stats, tho, so who knows if the Fedi works the same.
Cooled, in batches in a standing blender, then reheated.
That’s never happened to us. Could be our usual sauce is too wet.
I made it once for Thanksgiving years ago. Everyone loved it. It was a pain. Especially since I didn’t have an immersion blender.
If it helps, we’ve found cooking the noodles was unnecessary. It holds together better if you don’t.
Never had it with avo. I’ll have to try that out.
What do you dislike or avoid?
You’re technically correct, but missing the point of the post. Canonical is withholding a security patch to extort a subscription.
For a second, I misread this and thought Rockbox had a desktop port.
I think it’s just called “The Fediverse”. :)