I personally prefer the pomodoro technique. The good thing about it, is that it requires a task list to work properly. I start every day by writing down what I need to do today, then use the timer to focus on one task at a time.
I personally prefer the pomodoro technique. The good thing about it, is that it requires a task list to work properly. I start every day by writing down what I need to do today, then use the timer to focus on one task at a time.
So puberty blockers are not legal until puberty is over? Makes complete sense /s
Currently a couple of chapters into Deadhouse gates. I do enjoy it, but the malazan universe is so massive and filled with so many characters, that I need the malazan wiki around, just in case I need to check something.
Not surprising to see such legal moves under the guise of protecting children, however the article is full of generalizations and vague language. It will be interesting to see what the practical implications of this law will be, and what we need to do to protect ourselves from impromptu searches of our electronic devices.
I barely understand the “memes” in linuxsucks, it’s just a massive circle jerk.
I always wear earplugs as soon as I step outside my home.
Fiat panda, it is literally a cardboard box with wheels.
This is genuinely disappointing. I understand the need for punishment, but unless there is therapy, a path to recovery and reintegration into society, we’re just housing more and more people without a future.
A fire crackling in a fireplace. I’m also quite relaxed by heavy rain.
While I do believe that psychedelics can be used successfully as treatment for mental health issues, it is disappointing, however not surprising, that psychadelic evangelists are part of the research.
This is unfortunately similar to how it was last time drugs were researched and the counter reaction to that was the war on drugs.
This is not even the right question to ask. Fucking pay your staff! No one should have to depend on tips to survive.
If you needed additional proof that fines are just the cost of their business model, this is it.
It broke too many thumbs.
One of the worst shopping basket designs I have ever seen, was where they added additional items together with the thing you wanted, forcing you to remove the thing they added before paying.
My contribution is katzenjammer, which is a word describing a really bad hangover (in the English language). I believe it is used a bit differently in the German language, but don’t take my word for it.
And övermorgon in Swedish
Force myself to go to the gym every day.
Runter in den bunker by Noisuf-x
You can always dig a canal to bring flooding into the business district, think outside the box!
This is obviously a crude attempt at a joke and not real advice.
Supernatural s03e03- Bad day at black rock.