At least for some android phones this is already possible with Lineage OS.
At least for some android phones this is already possible with Lineage OS.
Use something like pgAdmin, DBeaver or the pg cli to connect to your postgres instance. Then run the command from the changelog as a SQL query.
Maybe you could install a local mail client like Thunderbird and connect it to your Gmail via POP3? POP will download the mails and delete them from the server. Then you’ll just have to figure out how to export the mails from Thunderbird/your client of choice.
EDIT: This article contains relevant information.
EDIT 2: Alternativly you could just use IMAP instead of POP to download everything and then delete the mails from the server manually.
You can get a quick overview via DSM, I think in the Disk Manager. For more details you could jump into a terminal and use smartctl.
Have you checked the SMART values of your drives? Do they give you a reason for your concerns?
Anyhow, you should never be in a position where you need to worry about drive failure. If the data is important, back it up separatly. If it isn’t, well, don’t sweat it then.
Why would you buy something new if your current solution works and your requirements don’t change? Just keep it.
Also good with Boost once I opened the image and clicked “HD”.
Wasabi S3 is nice and cheap. You’ll only pay what you use, so probably just a few cents in your case.
Oops, nevermind:
If you store less than 1 TB of active storage in your account, you will still be charged for 1 TB of storage based on the pricing associated with the storage region you are using.
I recently upgraded three of my proxmox hosts with SSDs to make use of ceph. While researching I faced the same question - everyone said you need an enterprise SSD, or ceph would eat it alive. The feature that apparently matters the most in my case is Power Loss Protection (PLP). It’s not even primarily needed to protect from an possible outage, but it forces sync writes instead of relying on a cache for performance.
There are some SSDs marketed for usage in data centers, these are generally enterprisey. Often they are classified for “Mixed Use” (read and write) or “Read Intensive”. Other interesting metrics are the Drive Writes Per Day (DWPD) and obviously TBW and IOPS.
At the end I went with used Samsung PM883.
But before you fall into this rabbit hole, you might check if you really need an enterprise SSD. If all you’re doing is running a few vms in a homelab, I would expect consumer SSDs to work just fine.
The interesting part about this story isn’t Altman himself. It’s more about the weird decisions and inner politics of a $90bn company. A board firing their ceo without official reasoning, MS sweeping in while owning 49% of said company, 95% of the staff threatening to quit and the ceo coming back and firing the board while everybody else still tries to understand what the fuck just happened.
Like another commenter said, this could straight up be an episode of Silicon Valley.
What’s wrong with Portainer?
Oh no! Anyway…
No, the registrar just registers the domain for you (duh). You can then change the DNS recods for this domain and these records will propagate to other DNS servers all around the world. Your clients will use some of these DNS servers to lookup the IP address of your server and then connect to this IP.
The traffic between your clients and server has nothing to do with your domain registrar.
Proton keeps getting better and better. I long for the day when I can ditch windows completely and it might not be too far away.
You could look into mainboards with IPMI. They give you a web based interface to fully control your server, including power management, shell, sensor readings, etc.
If you’re the team lead, something like this is your job. You could ask your supervisor for guidance, but ultimately you should be able to solve this on your own.
As others have mentioned: Speak to him. Don’t be nice nor mean - be professional. Tell him how his behaviour affects you and the rest of the team. Talk to him about appropriate workplace behaviour and what you want him to change.
Maybe this will work, maybe it doesn’t. How he handles your feedback is up to him, he is an adult, even if he doesn’t act like one.
If he doesn’t change or keeps ignoring you (his boss!), document his behaviour and go the HR route.
Also not a fan about the closed source thing, but I like about Obsidian that it’s all just markdown. If I ever need to ditch it, I can keep and use my existing files as they are.
Would this also be possible with Zettlr or Logseq?
Thanks for the insight!
I would have thought that building an automated warehouse starts with designing robots and warehouses that complement each other. Using humanoid robots seems strange - I doubt that evolution gave us the optimal shape to work in a warehouse.
He denied this would lead to job cuts, however, claiming that it “does not” mean Amazon will require fewer staff.
Sure thing. As if Amazons endgame isn’t always to reduce costs and increase profits. They don’t give a shit about their employees or people in general.
I don’t understand - you want a layer to hide database internals but also a web app that “is only the db itself”?