Look at those chompers!
Look at those chompers!
I thought it was Ted Cruz
Some would say the fentanyl problem right now is payback for the opium thing
The calzone zone
Some people deliberately store things - like towels or place mats - in the oven.
Usually older people.
Someone not aware of that goes to bake something - big problem
Obviously the complete Stargate franchise. Humans don’t put up with aliens tryin’ to pull any shit.
I thought the movie did a decent job of telling the story considering the limitations of the medium.
According to the author many studios have approached him over the years with unacceptable alterations and that one was the first one to come along with anything good enough.
He said it had to be literally children, first of all, and they always wanted to change that.
Indeed however that would necessitate having an optical drive
There are an absurd amount of perfectly good books and /or audio books out there. TV or movie as the only way to pass the time indoors may stop being the case. If it does I’m ready.
An ac system with dirty humidifier portions or stagnant water from the condensate system being plugged can start growing things like mold in the wet filthy areas and cause legionnaires disease or other health issues.
A properly functioning ac system just cools and dries the air.
There is a belief that going from hot and humid summer air to cold and dry ac air and back, constantly all day long, can make you sick.
I have no idea if that is true.
A central hvac system could potentially move particles of infectious materials from one room to another but whether that would make someone sick is debatable due to how short lived virus particles are and other factors.
Some commercial systems utilize ultra violet sections and hepa filters to kill and stop airborne contaminants and allergens.
Hmm almond milk, I’ve always wondered how you milk an almond.
Is it from the pointy end?
They’ve almost destroyed search.
Its like they want to just kill the internet altogether.
Sigh I remember when they weren’t evil.
I believe a lot of the posts and replies that rile an individual up, on social media, are put there by bots. Intentionally to rile people up.
I think social unrest is desired by certain groups and factions.
So funny fry is a treasure
right, the scam is taking a flood car north and not disclosing flood damage to an unsuspecting northerner.
It seems like it always happens every time there’s a bad flood/hurricane etc.
Side note - people need to be super careful buying used cars for the next several months because of scammers cleaning up flooded cars and brining them north to sell. Check under the carpets and so on, etc. Avoid Florida cars.
Tbf I haven’t used wordpad for a very long time. If ever.
I avoid it because if I’m editing a text file wordpad would just mess it up.
Maybe if it’s an rtf file I need wordpad.
But word is available.
“sorry, your hard drive is dead. Let’s play some asteroids!”