Please see my comment to OP.
Not necessarily that it’s producing none or not enough
If your body is producing “enough” then you don’t have diabetes, type 1 or 2. That’s where they are incorrect.
Please see my comment to OP.
Not necessarily that it’s producing none or not enough
If your body is producing “enough” then you don’t have diabetes, type 1 or 2. That’s where they are incorrect.
Not necessarily that it’s producing none or not enough
If your body is producing “enough” then you don’t have diabetes, type 1 or 2. That’s where you are incorrect.
Type 1/2 terminology came about before any understanding of the pathology. “Diabetes mellitus” specifically refers to glucosuria. Its a symptom of insulin deficiency - absolute (typical type 1) or relative (typical type 2). It’s like calling pneumonia “cough type 1” and lung cancer “cough type 2”.
When you say “not necessarily… not enough [insulin]” You managed to get wrong what diabetes is entirely - it is necessarily “not enough” insulin again whether type 1 or 2.
Regarding your question about autoimmune destruction of the pancreas- if it is happening but there is enough insulin to maintain glycemic control, then again it is not diabetes type 1 or 2. I’m not sure if there’s uniform widely accepted terminology for it but something like “pre-type 1” is reasonable for layman terms . You have to be careful though because there’s cases of folks who had an autoimmune response but it abated and they ended up not developing (type 1) diabetes.
Its better to think of diabetes as beta cell function (and insulin) +/- and autoantibodies +/-. That leads to 4 combinations, typical type 1 is -,+ and typical type 2 is +,- but the other combinations are like 10+ % of cases (mostly being +,+ as in many “typical” type 2s have some autoantibodies but still produce insulin).
Not necessarily that it’s producing none or not enough
You are confidently incorrect.
Joke is going over my head can you explain?
It is, eg lidocaine patches. It has to be injected to really do much. Not aware of any injectables that are over the counter.
The betting odds are 96% that they’ll debate. No need to sell a bridge, you stand to gain 25 to 1 if theres no debate. You are way off what the market predicts.
Its part of wada rules to which the ioc is compliant? Drug test results for these organization are often published, at least they are for my powerlifting org
Taiwan next!
That’s by intentional design choice though.
Game theory is a tough subject, but it would be worth it for you to study to understand how you are acting against your less preferred candidate and helping what should be your least preferred candidate (assuming your ranked choice has the republican nominee below the democratic nominee).
Keep voting for 99% … gets us to the same place
You make it seem as though your protest vote does not also get us to the same place? Many voters have shared your mentality and voted accordingly for the past 200+ years and it’s not made a difference, what makes you think this time things will change?
+1 for obsidian! Have you tried out text generator plugin? Uses GPT api’s. Haven’t gotten into D&D but seems like it’d be a great tool for DMs to help make content.
Non-paywalled link?
Looks like it just matches long term inflation, beats 2023 inflation. Win for workers.
During the observation period from 1960 to 2022, the average inflation rate was 19.0% per year. Overall, the price increase was 1.36 million percent. An item that cost 100 pesos in 1960 costs 1.36 million pesos at the beginning of 2023. For October 2023, the year-over-year inflation rate was 4.3%.
The author did a poor job of explaining that. He’s referencing the thought experiment of a businessman instructing a super effective AI to make paperclips. Given a terse enough objective and an effective enough AI, one can imagine a scenario in which the businessman and the whole world in fact are turned into paperclips. This is obviously not the businessman’s goal, but it was the instruction he gave the AI. The implication of the thought experiment is that AI needs guardrails, perhaps even ethics, or else it can unintentionally result in a doomsday scenario.
Numbers wouldn’t exist in the universe dust but inarguably exist. Pretty prose and storytelling nothing more.
You have details about her case you’d care to share?
Its a monetization approach, same motives as what youtube does here with the ads so doubt itll ever go away.
So if a predator locks a victim in a closet, does that make lockmakers morally reprehensible?
Nah it was always an energy capacity and density per $ issue. Battery technology doesn’t improve as fast as compute but it has followed a steady ~10% yearly increase. Seems that when one tech plateaus another picks up. Solid state will get us to 4-500 mi/charge. Even electric planes will eventually happen.
The problem with this is if you have any actual significant health condition.