(Product)Red appliances efficiently makes one look like a sucker for corporate “charity” malarkey https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/fraud-plagues-global-health-fund-backed-bono-others-flna1c9465258
Pronouns | he/him |
Datetime Format | RFC 3339 |
(Product)Red appliances efficiently makes one look like a sucker for corporate “charity” malarkey https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/fraud-plagues-global-health-fund-backed-bono-others-flna1c9465258
Whew, the manufactured crisis was averted once again.
In the Air Tonight was ~44 years ago, which means this is no longer a dad joke but a granddad joke.
I think you’re confusing real life homelessness with a cartoon of a drunk who lies down to sleep it off for the night.
As I just said, whether they already do or not is beside the point.
how do these things make it less [comfortable]?
You already answered your own question:
weird human-shaped things added on top of the vents
It’s hard to believe you’re not trolling.
I also came across some inventive designs that I haven’t seen elsewhere, such as metal silhouettes soldered on top of warm ventilation exhausts at a CTrain station (below), a place where you could consider camping for the night.
Metal silhouettes prevent homeless people from sleeping over these CTrain grates in Calgary.
Pride versioning:
Let them eat cake. Try sleeping on them and report back to us. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostile_architecture
There’s a literal glowie downvoting every socialist thing 😂
Whether they do or not, Google doesn’t know that that person is the same person as the one who is using YouTube.
It’s not even about the money, it’s literally about the credit card information, and the massive amount of data linked to it.
I’d probably be paying for YouTube, if it were run by a normal media company instead of the world’s largest spy network and personal data broker. There’s no way in hell I’m giving them my credit card information.
That reminds me, maybe I should re-watch Doug Hickey’s full-throated attack on versioning & breaking changes. Spec-ulation Keynote
Presumably it’s one or more crypto brigaders, perhaps with multiple alt accounts. Crypto ain’t gonna pump itself 📈
Instead of wasting our time with your whinging, why not curate your feed?
Russia is still an extreme pariah
Russia is still an extreme pariah only if you get your information from imperial core media. Russia just hosted the BRICS summit a few weeks ago, and everyone showed up. The Global South generally doesn’t have issue with Russia, and unlike the imperial core, they aren’t sanctioning it.
Also in my opinion if China either dropped support of Russia or supported a coup/revolution to depose Putin
I have no reason to think China has any interest in deposing Putin. I think you’re just making things up in our head. You may be projecting imperialist thinking onto ant-imperialist China.
a highly unpredictable government like Putins
The Russian government is not unpredictable. Where are you even getting this from? And neither is Putin an unhinged dictator with limitless powers. He’s quite rational, and he’s about as answerable to the Russian bourgeoisie as Biden is to the American bourgeoisie.
that may just be down to personality quirks of Xi.
This sounds like great man theory, which liberals often subscribe to, but Marxists don’t.
I see: you’re myopic. You’ve got rules-based international order brainworms. You think the imperial core, which represents a minority of the world’s population, natural resources, and industrial production, is the entirety of the “international community.”
BRICS is already bigger than the G7 by every useful measure. Ranked: The World’s 20 Largest Economies, by GDP (PPP)
Those songs were only five years apart, which is blowing my mind right now.