If the package manager on your old PC is keeping copies of everything it installs, just copy all of those packages over and go through the package manager on the new PC. Look under /var/cache
Artist / hacker from Providence, USA.
If the package manager on your old PC is keeping copies of everything it installs, just copy all of those packages over and go through the package manager on the new PC. Look under /var/cache
I saw him perform this in the mid 90s. Very fun.
An email of all html is an unwanted email 99% of the time. Occasionally, I save it, and open in lynx. (When a web site emails a security code.)
Attachments are more of a hassle, because I frequently need those. Save to a temp file, “munpack file”, examine extracted files.
In 1990 I was running a very tiny Unix clone at home (Coherent on a 286 PC w/ 1 meg ram) and… I don’t remember if I couldn’t get a standard reader to compile on that or what the problem was, but anyways - I wrote an email/usenet reader for my own use.
33 years later, I’m still using it to read my email every day.
Also, I think I’ve had my pasta strainer since the 90s.
Late 90s Macedonian flick “Goodbye, 20th Century”.
Santa scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBWqVaI_gfk
Some old ones from my grandparents / great grandparents. Mostly from the 20s & 30s, but a few photos go back to the 1890s.
I downloaded a copy of Come and See via the internet, so I guess that counts?
There’s a sci-fi novel from the 50s where a dude is severely injured, so his robot freezes him until they can get back to proper medical facilities. But the robot is also heavily damaged, so it steals a bunch of “parts” (mostly limbs) from the frozen body to make itself functional enough to make the trip… (Stefan Wul - Rayons pour Sidar)
The Suns (E4000s) want a 12A circuit. The SGI wants 2 x 16A + 14A for the disk arrays. (Not that either draws nearly that much, of course.)
In 2009 I bought a lot of 10 late 90s Sun servers (1997 machines upgraded a few years later with better CPUs) for $300. Original list price about $2.5 million. After fixing a few problems and swapping parts to max out half the machines, I kept a few as my compute servers, and traded the rest for SGIs. An Onyx for the museum, and a small (one 6’ rack) Origin-2000 for myself.
Jellyfish. A bit… enh?
Physical. Paper or fiche!
I think leftists ranting about not voting for Biden in the general election at the moment are just blowing off steam, and when election day comes, everyone on the left will remember 2016 and vote blue.
Most superhero movies should just be roller coasters. Or maybe one roller coaster for Marvel, and one for DC, and you get a different hat depending on the exact hero.
hachyderm. Medium-big?
Retrocomputing, film & art crowds.
I’ve been posting a lot of silent film stuff recently.
Melt-Banana at the Knitting Factory, 2007. Melt-Banana is my favorite band in the world, and this isn’t the best audio, but it REALLY captures the feel of the live performance. (I was at this show. I’m the guy with dreads in the front row directly in front of the cameraman.)
Nina Hagen, 1985. Favorite performance by my favorite singer:
Aretha Franklin, Amsterdam 1968:
Primarily mastodon. Really enjoying that.
Facebook for relatives & friends from the real world.
Been on a Fritz Lang binge over the past few weeks: Spiders, Spies, Metropolis, Woman in The Moon, Testament of Dr Mabuse. I’ve seen the original Dr Mabuse too many times to feel like a rewatch right now. M is next, and I wasn’t quite in the mood for that this weekend.
Taking a break with the 6th Terminator flick (“Dark Fate”).