They didn’t say any software that doesn’t have telemetry isn’t any good.
They didn’t say any software that doesn’t have telemetry isn’t any good.
Fedora with KDE!
Wouldn’t it be more fun if multiple people help you out and it may still be maintained if you stop working on it?
Libre software is used as a synonim for free (as in freedom) software, which is open source software with some nuances. Do you plan to open source it?
trans genocide
Is it libre software?
The statcounter web page uses data coming from trackers blocked by Firefox ETP, is more accurate.
Yeah, it’s a lot better if you disable RFP, but it still wouldn’t save my passwords and enabling Firefox Sync isn’t accessible. Again, it’s just my opinion.
Qutebrowser is chromium-based, and barely anyone uses icecat since the modern web heavily relies on JS, iceraven is a Firefox for Android fork, which could maybe have like 50 users and librewolf is unusable for daily usage because of RFP (resist fingerprinting worsens a lot of sites that rely on canvas). (This is just my opinion)
They’re usually very inefficient energetically though
I WILL upvote it!!1
Public transport for the win :D
Fuck Reddit
GNOME isn’t inherently bloated, though; the GNOME circle apps may ne bloat if you don’t need them. Liberals? Where!?