We’re really going to be fucked once AI figures out we only have 4 fingers and a thumb per hand.
We’re really going to be fucked once AI figures out we only have 4 fingers and a thumb per hand.
Probably because the reason wasn’t for sex.
I agree that you can avoid hitting the daily sugar thing (and avoid hfcs) by reading ingredients but I don’t think many consumers do that. I certainly did not expect it find it in canned tomatoes and I use that in a lot of the recipes I found online. It makes sense why it’s in there though if it’s acting as a preservative. In fact, I’m going agree with a lot of folks here and just would like to send an end to corn subsidies.
So the problem with hfcs is that it’s everywhere. And not just like juice, I’m talking like canned goods, deli meat, peanut butter, crackers, bread. So it’s really hard to avoid unless you just make everything from scratch. And not I’m advocating for a total abolishment but it’s easy to go over your daily sugar with it being in everything. I would try to limit it or maybe have a warning on packages. For the other person that linked a study, I looked into one of the guys that did it, and he does just like a lot of hfcs studies, like a weirdly amount and I found that kinda sus lol This site lists papers for and against the safety
Veronica: The company’s position is that it’s actually the opposite of racist, because it’s not targeting black people. It’s just ignoring them. They insist the worst people can call it is “indifferent.”
Ted: Well, they know it has to be fixed, right? Please… at least say they know that.
Veronica: Of course they do, and they’re working on it. In the meantime they’d like everyone to celebrate the fact that it sees Hispanics, Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Jews.
Well then you can include baptists in that too.
Ah man, I liked that community :/
Some states require spousal consent and some doctors will try to talk you out of it altogether.
Half the country doesn’t believe that climate change is real. If things were to get better, it would have to start with that group first.
No offense, but it seems pretty naive to say things will get better. I try not to jump on conservatives when they are willing to engage, but that’s a pretty rough take.
I think it’s because words that end with sa, have that uh sound. Like Medusa, salsa, mesa, mimosa
I will never not read it as keep ass
Might be close, and I would sub to the side bar stuff
Yeah same, my friends list has been cultivated over many, many years. I don’t use voice with randos usually.
cough https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_(manga) You young’ns
Glad to see the gate keeping came with us.
I’ve played wow (MMOs tend to be popular with women, my guild has several women), overwatch, and am playing diablo now. Call of duty just looks kinda boring to me. I also play alot of single player games.
I appreciate your break down on this, I feel like I get so confused with auth/fasc terms