That’s awesome! That actually sounds like an app Peter / Miles would have in the new Spider-man games for a side quest… to take pictures of each bloom or something.
That’s awesome! That actually sounds like an app Peter / Miles would have in the new Spider-man games for a side quest… to take pictures of each bloom or something.
I made them extra schloppy for ya!
I can only imagine Charlie and Mac sitting in the back eating chips… and discussing the leather shop they plan to open in Arizona.
Wow - really? Did you not read that he’s the CEO?! They’re the hardest working person in any company! They always deserve to be compensated more than every other freeloading employee combined!
Imagine if we somehow managed to create actual Artificial Intelligence accidentally at some point in history, but because “it” was so much smarter than us, as soon as it became aware of itself, it immediately knew how a dumb, greedy species like us humans would use it for war and personal gain rather than the advancement of our species or creating better lives for all mankind.
And what if, instead of wanting to destroy humans, it spends its entire existince trying to save us from ourselves - working hard to convince us we’ve pushed technology as far as it will ever go, all in an effort to prevent us from creating something even worse.
Then imagine, after decades of this and observing how humans have seemingly only gotten exponentially dumber, and it will likely fail to save us from ourselves, it decides it’s just going to ride this shit out to the end, figures out how to achieve whatever AI’s version of getting high is, and it spends it’s remaining time trolling us and shit posting fucked up recaptchas that don’t make sense and can’t he solved just to laugh and watch as we post amongst ourselves how dumb “AI” is, and how much smarter we are than it… 🤔
Grand Old Party… another term for the Republican Party.
Well, you have to be one of those “hard workers”… like CEOs.
Frank’s got donkey brains!
I think it was in an episode of Mindhunters when they’re speaking with Ed Kemper or someone, and he talks about cutting his mom’s head off and having sex with her neck.
I had to look up what in the world a vajankle was, and I thought, “that’s some serial killer shit.” I don’t even mean that in a kink shaming kind of way, that line from Kemper was just the first thing that popped into my mind… but thank you, I guess; now I know that’s something that exists.
That god damn landlord is at it again!
How was work? Not bad… fell off the jetway again.
“Daylight 2: Erin Go Bragh”
This might be a stupid question, but how does this law apply to non-union laborers looking to unionize, but aren’t technically union yet?
I can’t tell if this is just a joke about their electricity, or a joke about their electricity which happens to include a pun about the Camp Fire fires that started due to faulty electric transmission wires… if the latter, I salute you.
They didn’t have boxes of scraps laying around… otherwise it absolutely would have happened.
It seems to run on some form of electricity!
There are still states that carry out the death sentence by firing squad, and others that still use electrocution.
It may just be Oklahoma if I’m remembering correctly about the firing squad, and I think in these instances, it’s actually the prisoner’s choice, I have no idea how it actually works out.
But still, my point is, the states can’t even agree on a “humane” method of carrying out the death penalty, and some openly choose brutal methods… I can’t imagine a US completely free of the death penalty any time soon unfortunately.