On one hand I‘m worried about possible game direction influence on FROM titles, on the other hand I’m hopeful that maybe we finally get competent Soulsborne PC ports if Sony acquires them even if only for upcoming titles
On one hand I‘m worried about possible game direction influence on FROM titles, on the other hand I’m hopeful that maybe we finally get competent Soulsborne PC ports if Sony acquires them even if only for upcoming titles
Seeing the median versus my stats…
Labor of Love is a tough one… I might as well flip a coin between at least three of them, they all deserve it
Turning off invasions while still playing coop you mean? Cause offline mode turns off invasions (duh). I guess invasions are part of the thrill in their mind and after a random coop sunbro and I were invaded by a phantom while super low health and outta potions way into a dungeon in Dark Souls and managed to survive by hiding away together with no voicecomms, it‘s hard for me to disagree with them lol
IIRC the framework it‘s built on is so ancient it didn‘t allow for that, they needed to re-write the whole thing to „fix“ it, and this is what they came up with for that. DF‘s Alex said as much in one of their podcast episodes. All just paraphrased by me of course.
I don‘t think the performance hit is by design or intentional anyway, so hopefully the current screw-up is gonna be a nothing burger by the time the app‘s mandatory (if it ever will be).
Tbh, the control panel is a lot of things, but responsive or slick aren‘t one of them. As long as they carry all the functionality over and get rid of the bugs, I‘m happy with the app. Unless they pull a fast one and add account requirements in again later.
That‘s certainly something they‘re gonna want to fix. I hope DF and GN pick up on this, seems like free views and I‘d love to hear what they‘ve got to say on the matter.
Edit: Also wondering if it‘s the app or if the performance hit disappears when you disable the overlay. Only flew over the article to see what games are affected how badly so mb if that’s mentioned.
Edit 2:
HUB‘s Tim tested it and found that it‘s the overlay or rather the game filter portion of the overlay causing the performance hit. You can disable this part of the overlay in the app‘s settings, or disable the overlay altogether.
He also found that this feature wasn’t impacting performance on GeForce Experience, so it’s very likely a bug that’s gonna be fixed.
To clarify: Using game filters actively can have an impact on either, but right now even when not actively using them, they cause a performance hit just by the functionality being enabled; a bug.
The only outlier where just having the app installed hit performance was the Harry Potter game.
IIRC their plan is to get rid of the control panel once they‘ve carried all its functionality over to the app.
They haven’t understood the game at all, I wonder if they even looked at it for more than two minutes
Run game > see playing cards and poker chips > close > PEGI 18
The version I‘ve got on Steam - which is seemingly the only one - is capped at 30 fps with no way of unlocking it since there‘s game logic tied to the framerate; I assume this holds true for all versions then. The gameplay with its constant camera movement would certainly profit from a higher framerate, it‘s one of maybe five games that I‘ve played where the sluggish camera made me motionsick. And generally higher resolution assets and UI wouldn‘t hurt the game either. I certainly would get a remake if only so I could re-experience Okami at 120 fps without getting sick lol
I wouldn‘t even have minded a remake in this case, hope the sequel can do the franchise justice
The power button thing would be very disappointing cause it is a vital button that is expected to be pushed a lot… I hope you can figure it out whatever it is.
I had something similar before where my Deck was all of a sudden in a bootloop (black screen, fan running) and I couldn‘t get it out of it until the battery had emptied itself, then it worked just fine again.
Let me know if you ever figure out what went wrong with yours, for my curiosity‘s sake
What about your Deck though? Do you have to send it in?
I‘m happy for the devs, but I shudder at the signal this sends to publishers regarding liveservice, „we just gotta keep trying, guys!“
I don‘t know… the soundtrack, the presentation, the map, the car handling, the story (although I‘m already skipping cause I couldn‘t take it anymore), it all seems inferior to me. Although neither is a masterpiece, but Heat left a more competent impression on me.
Maybe the graphics are better which I‘d hope after all this time, but the goofy pedestrians take away from that as well. The police could be better as well, they were obnoxious in Heat and practically couldn‘t be shaken off without a ramp/jump.
How 2 Escape with a friend (can recommend, not mindblowing but a good time), Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes with gf (pretty fun experience)
Solo I‘m bouncing around between games, but shoutout to NFS Unbound which I like less the more I play it lol
Even for 5 bucks, it‘s NFS Heat but worse in basically every aspect
I realized that I need a certain amount of time with a game to warm up to it or else I‘m always drawn back to known quantities. Seems like playing things I know is just more comfortable. I also realized that I really like racing games for a similar reason: I don‘t have to learn anything new about the mechanics/game, I just have to drive.
Counterpoint: Building something big in first person is a lot more bothersome than in 2D/topdown
I have Satisfactory and like it btw, I‘m just saying it‘s something to keep in mind. It‘s also a lot heavier on the hardware, obviously.
I loved the first one even though it‘s crazy punishing, I looked at the second one, saw a metric shit ton of dlc, and decided it‘s too big for me
Funny enough I also decided to skip straight to the third one, and let‘s say I wasn‘t too impressed, especially coming from the first game. Going from one cop lasering you down to a dozen cops doing a conga line around you taking a turn each to shoot a bullet at you is surreal. Completely different game.