budding coder, part-time web designer in san diego, ca.
I’m baffled by all the downvoting. It was also my first thought that we rarely own the software we use.
Yes. Like many here, I’ve learned to hit save A LOT. But I also want to decide when the time is right. Whether I’m writing a paper, coding, photo retouching, whatever, I flail around and experiment while working. I want to lock in my changes when I’m happy with the progress. If something goes awry I’d rather resume at the last manual save than some other weird thing I did afterwards.
A song called “Paper Wings and Halo” by Lori McKenna always makes me teary-eyed. I hadn’t heard it for years - just played it. Still works.
Also, “The Circle Game” by Joni Mitchell. Apparently, songs about years and life passing by are what really choke me up.
Mascara. I’ve spent $20+ dollars a few times for some high-end Sephora brands, but I’ve never thought they were any better than the $8 Maybelline I can get at the grocery store.
Idi Amin didn’t make the team?
Yup, looks like the long game is to keep them uneducated, pissed off and armed to the teeth.
We just put the honey on a little plate and swirl in some sriracha. It’s very good. The honey OP has there is potentially waaay hotter since it contains the wicked-hot Scotch Bonnet pepper. I didn’t know this type of honey existed and I’m intrigued.
We mix honey and sriracha to make a dipping sauce at our house, so already hot honey sounds amazing to me.
I love Apple mail. Super fast search through years of email, easy drag and drop between accounts, nice redirect feature. Unfortunately, I’m a Windows user at home and just can’t switch for one email client. I do use Macs at work though. Yeah, Gmail is a drag.
Coincidentally, I just now opened a second account after opening the first a week ago. I decided I wanted a different @username. I don’t know why I used my Reddit username the first time. I’ll delete that one soon — I only made two post comments with it.
I do have a Mastodon, too.
“There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman