I’m so glad that I’m reliving those experiences because I want and not because I need to.
I’m so glad that I’m reliving those experiences because I want and not because I need to.
My IBM took 1h30m to compile vim… (:
Yes it would be faster but it’s my first go at Gentoo for the base install I want to stick to the handbook. As soon as the base install is done I will see how to make my good Debian machine compile the packages for the IBM. Besides, I have time.
I have to set -j1 because of low ram. Yes I can just increase swap space to “add more RAM” but it will be swap on a 2001 HDD so it’s slow as hell
Is that a personal attack or something?
Based and holy pilled
It’s an advice it’s up to you or anyone who recives it if you want to follow it or not
87 people know Landau and Griffiths… That’s 87 people more than what I expected…
Damn man i didn’t expect for someone so active in so many communities to be your age