I think the new Reddit logo is hilarious. It looks like Snoo has a stubble. What’s up Snoo? drinking much?
I think the new Reddit logo is hilarious. It looks like Snoo has a stubble. What’s up Snoo? drinking much?
Oh… believe me, me too.
Well… Actually, they are. They were poor money lenders, and gave money to the neighbourhood junkie, expecting he would not buy crack. It is Argentina’s fault to be in the position it is, but it’s also the money lenders’ to enable it.
You, this was already happening and bound to happen with or without Milei. The difference is that, while Milei’s approach is to deregulate the economy, Kirchnerism/Peronism’s way was to hide the head underground and pretend it never happened.
At least now there’s a plan to do it.
I mean, I love ska. But a whole eternity of it? It’s just way too much.
Now you’d technically be a professional runner.
Goddamn, this is fucking wholesome.
That looks that it came straight out from the History of Torture Museum.
I do expect that. I expect teachers to be very well compensated. You are talking about educating future generations and the sustainability of the country. Not about selling microwaves (nothing against it, it’s just that I consider teachers to be as important to society as firefighters and healthcare workers).
Great discussion and arguments, mate. Top level. e/π levei.
You’ve got to understand that politics are never so straightforward. Bolsonaro’s premise might have been one, but the execution might have been another.
So has come to pass with many presidents in Argentina, promising to solve the issues, and making them worse.
Not everyone might like Milei, but the truth is that he was the lesser evil, and by a long margin.
AFAIR, Thatcher wasn’t half bad. I mean, she was elected three times.
As an Argentinian living abroad and having left the country for how unbearable it was, I can tell you it’s true. I’m not saying some of those things aren’t important, but Argentina’s Government is like a crackhead. You give it some money and expenditure capabilities, and the next thing you know is at the shadiest dealer, buying as much of the worst stuff.
You need to cut the vicious cycle somewhere. Unfortunately for Argentina, that place is Welfare State.
Wait, are you telling me I shouldn’t keep throwing these anvils to that damned roadrunner? Because I frigging despise him.
Yes, by Argentinian standards. That is not much, taking into account the left bias that Argentinian politics have at the moment. By most standards, Juntos por el Cambio are a social-democrat solution. That is pretty much left in most countries.
- Yes dad! I’m a sissy removed, and I like to watch man like me getting steamrolled by big black hunks!
- I came to ask you if you wanted a slice of pizza… but okay.
Have a big population, season it abundantly with poverty and low social mobility, add a dash of ignorance and low education, et voilà! A magic cauldron where this and other horrific shit happen on a daily basis (if not hourly).
What about the respect given to an individual because of its status in society? There are certain people that have a base level of respect because of their seniority, job or role during a period of time.
Those people may or may not show the same amount of respect towards others as is shown to them in general. And I dare say, there will be people willing to defend them even if they are not up to expectations, just because they have that seniority/job/role.
Take for instance:
I don’t understand that point of view? Why would they pay their CEOs less than any other company? If they did, then they would either not be able to hire CEOs, have the shittiest CEOs or have CEOs that wouldn’t give a crap. People don’t live on welfare, especially highly connected, highly educated people like CEOs.