No kidding. While on the surface the bans are about medical masks, I’m sure there’s a surveillance motive as well.
Vaccines protect the workforce and allow individuals to produce more. People being against vaccines cannot be good for capitalism, can it?
100.00$ vs $100.00 I guess? Though I suppose you could turn the period into a comma.
If it’s hidden or off-shore, probably not.
While I’m not entirely sure I agree with these points, I do understand them. I only meant to convey that firing guns into the air is on another level of stupid compared to fireworks.
A well-made and safely launched firework has a way lower chance of returning to earth than a 7.62 bullet.
Unless you cause harm to others (like accidentally starting the next pandemic), how could you ever punish someone for treating themselves? 🤣
We don’t, as far as I know, make cutting your own arm off illegal and I fail to see how this is different.
PS: I’m not arguing against you, just noodling philosophically.
I don’t know how, but I would still manage to lose this day one.
I’m an older generation and (generally) refrain from swearing myself, but seeing censored posts on Lemmy drives me fucking insane. This isn’t a preschool nor is it an advertiser-friendly place. We should keep it that way.
If you’re suggesting something like cryptocurrency or a return to the gold standard, I challenge you to explain how that would help in this situation.
It’s 2024. It’s rude not to jam your tongue in there!
But you couldn’t release your own projects based on this under pure MIT or Apache-2.0. Presumably you’d need to include the same restriction about selling on Atlassian’s marketplace.
Arguably Thomas Riker is the evil one.
Gifs that end too soon.
Absolutely. GOG has a much better license and distribution model, but it’s still a license.
That’s not true. You still only receive a license to play the game, you do not own it. Directly from GOG’s website:
We give you and other GOG users the personal right (known legally as a ‘license’) to use GOG services and to download, access and/or stream (depending on the content) and use GOG content. This license is for your personal use. We can stop or suspend this license in some situations, which are explained later on.
Practically this means you cannot resell your GOG installer in the way you could resell a physical book.
I think you meant to reply to the parent comment?