I’ll say it, let’s see what happens!
The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. Go make the world a better place
I’ll say it, let’s see what happens!
The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. Go make the world a better place
If there’s not an assassination, I’m not interested
It’s a city in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Well they also never go outside…
“They’re one of the good ones”
If I see an ICE vehicle in my city, I’m going to REDACTED
Repugnantcans The party of misanthropic fascist vermin cheated the system to stack the highest court in the land with loyalists who now nearly unconditionally support anything Trump says/wants. It’s legal because they literally put in writing that any/everything he does is.
Edit: you right
I’m not a robot, I’m just dyslexic 😭
Our new console is backwards compatible*
* It isn’t
That means I’m a breach-loader and sea cucumbers are muzzle-loaders
17+ amogus
Another one picked a textbook that was available online for free through the university’s library =)
One of my professors, instead of a textbook, created his own wiki-style online resource for the class. Completely free, frequently edited with improvements
One of the best classes I’ve ever taken
Apparently if there’s a mental health diagnosis, Utah puts a hold pending medical review: https://casetext.com/regulation/utah-administrative-code/public-safety/title-r708-driver-license/rule-r708-7-functional-ability-in-driving-responsibilities-for-physicians-and-drivers
Since my depression hasn’t been totally asymptomatic for two years, I fall under Safety assessment level 2, which requires an annual medical report (or potentially SAL 6, depending on how seriously you take the side effect warnings on Zoloft)
Apparently just having depression requires a medical review, and it seems like anyone who hasn’t been completely asymptomatic for two years needs an annual medical report
I just found that and was about to link it!
I’m not sure what my doctor would report my condition as, but since I’ve felt depressed within the last two years I’m technically at least Safety Assessment Level 2, which means a doctor needs to give the DMV an annual health report or my license gets suspended. (Technically Zoloft, one of the most common depression medications, has drowsiness as a potential side effect. So I very well could be SAL 6, which requires a review every 6 months and a doctor’s specific recommendation to drive)
I didn’t know any of that, because I got my license and diagnosis before that law existed, and never got the letter telling me to get a report or telling me my license was suspended
I got my diagnosis when I was still living in Michigan
I ain’t clickin’ that