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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2024

  • Reminds me, Malcom Gladwell’s “Outliers” book had a section about his interesting observation that pro hockey players’ birthdays are skewed to the earlier months of the year. He attributed that to a kind of butterfly effect:

    1. Youth hockey leagues set league cutoffs by age, and mostly all start at the same time.
    2. The early month kids are slightly older, bigger, and stronger
    3. Since they are better at the very beginning, they get more playing time, more encouragement, maybe visit more “all-star” events, where they might get extra coaching, etc.
    4. eventually those kids actually just become better, because they had a better environment to grow.

    I mean idk how accurate this exact instance is, but I feel it’s a good thought experiment in thinking of how seemingly insignificant parts of the environment (like when in the year all the youth hockey leagues start) can impact whatever talent is. The whole nature vs nurture thing.

  • Huh really? I haven’t had that issue. But we might be totally different use-cases; If I’m routing, I’m usually in major cities mapping a route via public transit. I quite like OrganicMaps for this, because it’s still quite stable in underground subways when internet is sus.

    edit: To be clear, I haven’t noticed issues when I map for driving either, but I’m admittedly not driving a crazy amount.

  • Yo so question for y’alls: what’s your opinion on using custom domain (for portability) vs masked emails?

    Rn I have my main emails on my personal domain, and then I have masked emails going through xxx@fastmail.com for more anonymity + segmenting (err i mean just being able to disable a certain address individually) . But watching all this reminded me that if I decided to move away from fastmail, i’m much more locked-in this way. Do y’alls use a custom domain for masked email as well? The one thing I don’t like about that is that it’d be so easy to connect multiple accounts based on domain, so anonymity is probably kinda broken.

  • Two. Depending on the situation, maybe two shots, two coffees, two decafs, or two hours.

    But definitely not after 2pm. I need to sleep later.

    fwiw I don’t think 4-6 shots is too far out of the norm if not daily. Double-shots are not uncommon, and 2-3 of those on occasion seems rather reasonable. I just would hope you drink a good amount of water the rest of the day. Now if you mean that you downing 6 double-shots… are you Dan Campbell?