Actually I have really REALLY bad vision, but my glasses bring me to around 20/20. Maybe as I get older I’ll start scaling up. Or just buy bigger sized monitors!
Actually I have really REALLY bad vision, but my glasses bring me to around 20/20. Maybe as I get older I’ll start scaling up. Or just buy bigger sized monitors!
Seriously, cannot go back. When MacBooks came out with retina, got one and got a program to run at native resolution. So much data and text on a screen! Looking forward to this display with 100% scale. Full stop. Everyone always says my text looks tiny but I love it! Dual 4k monitors, no scaling on my desktop Linux. My old Alienware laptop was 4k oled, gnome and KDE looked fan frickin tastic! I’m not buying pixels to not have em go to full use.
The intro to #41, Invisibility, has always been a favorite. Don’t need this anymore. Don’t need THIS anymore ‘smacks computer off desk’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7YdvkSJUjM
For REAL!! Not playing same game with one copy makes sense. But the one instance per library was harsh. This is tremendous, and honestly, I’ll probably buy even more games knowing my kids can play them and I can stick to my same old same old if I don’t like it.
Love the movable sliders for the old/new previews.
Which is why the title was momentarily impressive. Was thinking some ‘in the lab’ demo cpu.
Up until the G in 8700G I totally thought ‘software renderer’ and was hella impressed. So yea, totally plausible it could have been described better.
Pecan pie, but I never have room to eat it that day.
Whoa whoa whoa. This is different. Because it affects me. And I am special. Slashees
My guess of the top 10 were way off!
Yea finding length of card and clearance of case is probably the main hurdle. Based on selection, think you should be ok, but always best to verify numbers. Didn’t look at what card came with, but some additional support might be nice. Some cards come with a support bracket. Otherwise they sell adjustable bars that support the card, or you can just improvise something.
They could hash pairs of characters on password creation and store those. Seems like more data points to guess the original password, but maybe the math is hard enough it doesn’t do much.
Haven’t played yet, but KUDOS on getting this far and sticking with it!!
And soon, birdswitharms will follow!!
Yea, the periodic weird one really makes it an exciting gamble.