It’s mental how this is pretty much known worldwide, like drawing that S thing. The one similar to the Suzuki logo
It’s mental how this is pretty much known worldwide, like drawing that S thing. The one similar to the Suzuki logo
Ahh ok, I get you now
Deffo, the outtakes on YT are worth a watch as well
Ah sorry, forgot about that!
Well, they did but was just two elements they used, rather than a full word
I know, I was being sarcastic. Plus I love Peep Show.
If you watch the episode where Mark is with Valarie in the first season, Flagpole Sitta can be heard playing over the PA or whatever of the bowling alley.
Catchy tune, should really be used as a theme tune for something
Love how it is the Limmy face
How about cooking hotdogs in a kettle?
Fish fingers in the toaster?
I’ve started leaving the bag in, the OG tea in Spain is gash, need to double bag.
Big Carrefour sells Yorkshire (for a treat) and, Mercadona sells PG Tips.
Like a really big spring onion
Can we still say “what’s up, dawg?”
It is funny that the litter box story was taken as gospel.
What a time to be alive.
There is a trial going on in Gateshead (UK).
Guys, the fuel is gas.
The bodies aren’t used for fuel like sticks or coal.
The gas is ignited, which burns the bodies.
It’ll bite him in the arse, when he’s old and unemployed and with no bladder because of the ket
The island belongs to the dove-es
Almost forgot about this beaut. Spent hours at uni getting stoned and playing this and Mashed: Fully Reloaded