They set daily read limits that were comically low. Read limits obviously don’t help with spam. They do help with scraping but it’s again so low, it seems like it would pretty much just disable scraping rather than control it. 600 tweets A DAY?
They set daily read limits that were comically low. Read limits obviously don’t help with spam. They do help with scraping but it’s again so low, it seems like it would pretty much just disable scraping rather than control it. 600 tweets A DAY?
All life started in the sea. Transitioning back to semi-aquatic or fully aquatic has happened many times. Is it possible to transition back? According to these researches, it seems like a one way gate. The types of changes that land animals make to become fully aquatic again seem to lock a lineage into the water forever. Increased body mass and carnivorous diet are helpful going back to water but make it really hard to go back to land and redevelop mobility.
I kind of wonder if we’ll see more interest focused instances continue to be a relatively regular occurances. I could see communities around specific games deciding to make a new home for themselves if for no other reason than everyone gets a new @myfavorite.game handle and you can customize a little more to their tastes. I think it might still lean more heavily towards generalized instances but maybe the main reason to run a new instance will be to be interest focused.
I’m relatively with you there. PS5, Xbox Series, and Switch are the current modern consoles. When I was 12, we got a gamecube while it was current gen, and considered N64 to be somewhat retro already, but SNES was firmly retro- or 2 Gens back. I think it’s reasonable to not think PS3 and 360 are retro, but older than that surely is. PS3 and 360 games don’t lag behind modern games by the same leaps and bounds SNES to GameCube did. But PS2, Xbox, and GameCube are all still in the pre-HD Era. For that reason I’d make the rather radical suggestion that Wii might be considered retro already, since it remained an SD console while it’s contemporaries were HD.
Yeah, I’ve been posting a lot more on the websites I’ve switched to. Just want to help build the community, ya know?
I feel like something odd is going on. Are you exploring much and capturing wild pokemon? I haven’t played the latest gen but Let’s Go, Shield, and Legends Arceus were all very difficult to not get over leveled in most of the time. I tend to spend a lot of time running around and trying to get at least one of every species that I come across. The team wide experience can really get you over leveled fast unless you are rotating mons on your team frequently.
Well ChatGPT is Microsoft as well.
It took me a while to start using it for 2FA but it’s a total game changer now that I am.
Do flip phones solve that? It’s just as big when open, the flip part is just so it fits nicer in your pocket.
It wasn’t like a windows phone, but both times it was underpowered and glitchy. But it did run android.
Yeah, this really doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. The way a commercial lease is written, you owe all rent for the agreed upon term, to be paid monthly. If you want to break the lease, early termination may have some slight benefit or a way to mitigate having to pay out the entire term- for example you may be able to find a new tenenat and negotiate a smaller fee for breaking the lease since the landlord will have no loss in income. If you just stiff them on the payments, they will obviously just sue you for the full amount with no way to mitigate that. Who would write a lease that let one party unilaterally out of their obligation when they break the terms of the contract?
Don’t think this is exactly what you’re asking, but among actual old games, A Link to the Past and Super Metroid are both highly playable and highly replayable pixel graphics games.
As far as I know, the Xbox One and PS4 started the trend of reading nothing from the disc after install. The disc just acts as instalation media and a physical authenticator.