I’m good friends with the lead singer of a band who has 225 monthly listeners on Spotify, which is pretty good considering they are in Cambodia.
I’m good friends with the lead singer of a band who has 225 monthly listeners on Spotify, which is pretty good considering they are in Cambodia.
I take it you’ve never been to rural Alberta?
It was a sentiment brought up randomly by about 5 of my younger brothers friends, who all grew up in the Sylvan Lake area.
I just spent two and a half weeks in Alberta and I don’t know how many times people just randomly brought up Canada wasting money in Ukraine, and when asked about it they had nothing to say past ‘we should spend money on people that need it!’.
Fuck I hate that province.
Thank you. It is very personal, so remember not to compare you grief to someone else’s. Everyone has the right to grieve.
Hey, I get it. I just came back home last week to watch my younger brother die in the ICU. Grief is hard, and everyone deals with it differently. If screaming into the void helps, then do that. If you want, send me the next rant that build up.
You can sell the cards you get from playing
Or buy a cheap card for a game and then resell it for the same price or a $0.01 loss
I think Sam O Nella dropped a new video too!
Canada is ranked 58 for people under 30, yet 8 for over 60. It’s a nice place if you can make it that far!
I don’t ‘want’ anyone to say anything. But when the governments of most major countries aren’t saying anything about these atrocities that happen day in and day out, the phrase feels very poignant.
Maybe it’s a Memmy things, but when there no comments on a post that’s the message displayed.
The empty comment section saying ‘nothing to see here…’ on these posts is eerily poignant.
Only good game they did was Episode 1: Pod Racer.
Nuka Cola is better
They wouldn’t never do that, because the RCMP are anti-vaxxers.
She is such a fucking plague on this country. If Canada was a dictatorship like all of here followers believe, she would have been rounded up and thrown in a camp last year.
505 is one of the weirdest publishers to me, and probably the publisher I have played the most games from if I don’t include series with tons of games in them. Payday 2, Journey to the Savage Planet, Terraria, Backbreaker, Don’t Starve, Sniper Elite V2, How to Survive, Rocket league, Brothers. I can’t think of another publisher who has put out that many big games from different IPs.
So they kicked the migrants out and don’t seem to care about who was taking advantage of them?
Bro-Tato is quite similar I hear.