i didn’t think they will be able to. all the kleptocrats will make sure that there’s some legal document that will guarantee that they get hugely compensated in the event that the government tries to take their property back.
i didn’t think they will be able to. all the kleptocrats will make sure that there’s some legal document that will guarantee that they get hugely compensated in the event that the government tries to take their property back.
for really real. i am pretty tired of all the “ménage a un” and onesomes i have been having.
holy shit! this is the most dystopian-looking amusement/water park that i have ever seen! more like BEmusement park
they use the word meat a lot on the shelf tag, considering it’s not meat
that’s some mighty fine fiscal responsibility, right there
perhaps it’s worded that way for legal reasons? maybe if they flat out said it was non-toxic, and then it turned out that they were wrong, someone could sue them.
i am sure it’s the same sort of idea behind posting a video of someone committing a crime on camera, they use the word “allegedly”
dunno; not a lawyer
did he go broke because he had to pay for a subscription to Peloton?
no they won’t. these pricks literally fired their entire AI Ethics team… that tells you everything you need to know about where their priorities are.
the only thing they are gonna do about this is figure out a way to make people not angry, but continue to fo as much shady shit as they can.
broccoli is like anal sex… if you’re forced to have it as a kid, you’re not gonna like it as an adult