certified woman

  • 13 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • he’s got a point though. From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.

  • I switched to using tiberius

    bit different but not too hard don’t have my code on hand atm but this is how I started with it

        let mut config = Config::new();
        config.authentication(tiberius::AuthMethod::sql_server("your_username", "your_password"));
        let tcp = TcpStream::connect(config.get_addr()).await?;
        let mut client = Client::connect(config, tcp.compat_write()).await?;

    then I did something along the lines of

    fn main() {
            let stream = client.query(&query, &[]).await?;
            let rows = stream.into_first_result().await?;
            let db_data: Vec<MyObject> = rows.into_iter().map(mapping_function_i_made_for_myobject).collect();
    fn mapping_function_i_made_for_myobject(row: Row) -> MyObject {
        MyObject {
            my_date_field: row.get::<NaiveDateTime, _>("my_date_field").map(|dt| Local.from_local_datetime(&dt).unwrap()),