Exactly that’s my point it’s just bread is not a very good choice I didn’t know peas and things like that are good thank for informing me I really do appreciate it super cool
Exactly that’s my point it’s just bread is not a very good choice I didn’t know peas and things like that are good thank for informing me I really do appreciate it super cool
Believe it not ducks shouldn’t actually eat bread but people feed it to them anyway what you should feed ducks is the specific food for ducks sold in the pet isle of stores such d mill worms and other actual foods ducks are supposed to eat 🦆
See that’s my point though don’t jump to to nukes I do appreciate the corrections
Yeah but going to the nuclear option has unwanted consequences use conventional warheads they are cheaper and possibly more devastating being easier to launch multiple more accurately just saying
I did check thallium pretty toxic definitely don’t want to lick that, but gallium on the other might be ok. Plus you could probably rob a a bank with gallium. Gallium is my favorite element