Broadcasting his intention like this really puts a target on his back. He should be more careful… or not, I’ve stocked up on popcorn.
Yeah, there’s no evidence that this is because of tariffs. Companies don’t make big moves like this after only a week of changes.
Importing fresh eggs is probably a non-starter, anyway. Look around your country at the price of eggs, it varies a lot even at large scales. Eggs don’t ship that well.
But throwing money at basic science research could, actually, solve the problem. Eradicate bird flu and the prices will drop. But you’d need a pro-science administration to do that.
There’s a good discussion on The Ezra Klein Show from March 1 The Dark Heart of Trump’s Foreign Policy [Apple Podcasts link]
It’s literally how he started the conversation. It’s what he asked to talk about. smh
Could be subsidies in your country. Could be geography of Thailand. When I was there it didn’t strike as the kind of land with expansive dairy ranches. As an example, New Zealand produces almost 20x as much dairy as Thailand.
Chicken wings, too.
Restaurants would sell them for 25¢ each. If they needed to get rid of a bunch, 10¢ each. So cheap you never thought of making them at home except to use in a stock, maybe.
Unless you’re Russian or Chinese, you’re not going to like the alternative.
There’s a lot wrong with the USA’s military-industrial complex and with its global hegemony but this alternative is going to lead to a lot more wars worldwide.
Guaranteed they will claim victory no matter how much they lose. If they roll back tariffs after agreeing to exactly the same terms as before, they will still claim victory.
I’m not one to body-shame but the audacity of that fat fuck to say this is beyond the pale.
Or, they’re testing Musk’s “upgrade.”
Yeah, let him explain to his kids why people hate him. There’s a chance they’ll sense his duplicity. If they feel unsafe with him, we’ll, they should.
First things first, it’s a moderated mailing list with some ads
This is what neighborhoods in my area do but without the ads. Around here there are distinct neighborhoods that have their own names but no official designation. People have, since before social media, set up mailing lists for each neighborhood moderated by one of the residents.
There’s occasional drama but mostly it’s people asking for tradespeople recommendations, curb alerts for furniture or photos of loose pets.
NextDoor-type services have tried to establish a presence but have mostly been ignored.
Maybe it’s the geography or the early adoption of e-mail lists but mailing lists work great around here.
I visited an American working friend in Russia around the turn of the century. If asked, like by our cab driver, he’d say he was Canadian. They would then nastily trash Americans. The Cold War made both populations suspicious of if not just hate the other but the Russians have had the hate reinforced stronger and harder by their government.
Other countries, there’s not as much anti-American bias. Well, there wasn’t. Now, I expect it’ll spread for different reasons.
At this point I expect they’ll put a literal fox in charge of poultry plant inspections.
When you try to run government like a business but don’t actually know how to run a business.
Which adblockers work on Podcasts?
I get the impression Trump has no clue what’s going on. He’s just just regurgitating bullet points that someone—probably Putin—put in large print on a piece of paper.
Plenty of red counties in those blue states.