Yeah I was wrong about a prediction I made six months ago. Before the Biden trump debate. Before the assassination attempt. Before the conventions.
You really got me.
Yeah I was wrong about a prediction I made six months ago. Before the Biden trump debate. Before the assassination attempt. Before the conventions.
You really got me.
I think the point is cops can’t use jaywalki g as a pretense to stop and frisk, ask for ID, etc now.
My grandmother recently died. Her son and his awful wife couldn’t wait to swoop in and take all her stuff. I actually didn’t mind though. They took all the tvs and old fur coats. Me and my brother got the pictures they left on the walls and the silly fridge magnets she liked. I think we ended up with the better stack of stuff at the end of the day.
What is a “channel”?
Also, what is a “book”?
Ernest P Worrell.
Verne was the sidekick/cameraman.
Modular or not, when there’s 10-12’ of storm surge and/or river flooding, it doesn’t matter. Houses built today generally handle cat 3 and even cat 4 storm winds without much problem. It’s the flooding that’s the killer.
I’m in central Florida. In 2016 and 2020 there were plenty of trump signs and shit all over. Today, Except for one billboard on i-275 complaining about grocery prices, there’s really nothing. Enthusiasm for Trump, even among his diehards, has seriously waned.
I understand it too. I felt the same way about Biden before he dropped out. Yeah, I was still gonna vote for him but… I certainly wasn’t gonna be over the moon to do so. Compared to kamala who I’m actually happy to vote for. The Republicans schlonged themselves I think.
And thank God for that. The only things that live forever are cancers.
Jones and his ilk believe that they’re fighting the literal devil who is using demons in the guise of democrats to plunge the earth into a hell scape of suffering and torment.
That is actually, 100%, bona fide what they believe. Once you’re fighting lucifer himself, why would it be out of the realm of possibility for the prince of lies to have a weather control device?
No. Absolutely not. Whenever anyone says, “wouldn’t it be great to live forever” remember that means people like trump and Musk are with us forever. Unless people take things into their own hands, but that’s another issue.
These idiots could just release a high quality story expansion for Black Flag every year for ten years and make a billion dollars. Instead they do… This.
The thing is, without gerrymandering they’d still have a majority of seats. They’re not content with that though. Why have 57% of the seats when you could have 79% and be completely inoculated from consequences or the feedback of any constituencies?
If your predecessor beat the guy by using platform A, it stands to reason that a pretty safe campaign strategy is to not deviate from platform A very much.
This is it. If were talking about immigrants not eating pets, we’re not talking about how Harris whooped trumps ass.
Cantina chicken burrito with the green sauce in the packet. It’s better than you’d get at most of the fake Mexican chain restaurants in my city. Not as good as the authentic places but the price can’t be beat.
That’s your right and I support you but… If your standard is “I don’t buy products that are made by bad people”… You’re gonna have a tough time. No such thing as ethical capitalism and all that.
If your phone has Bluetooth turned on, it’ll track you.
They have a separate channel for tech news. They also have a several hours long podcast style show on Fridays that focus on recapping the week’s tech news.
They also write and shoot videos weeks ahead of publication. Day and date news just isn’t the focus of the main LTT channel.
I tossed in $10. As a Floridian, it’s the least I can do. An exampl needs to be set that if you do the right thing and stand up to these assholes, people will have your back.
Moral courage is great but people need to eat too. I’m also very glad we don’t have state income tax so DeSantis won’t see one red cent of these donations.
What do you mean? Trump won decisively. Electoral, popular, in the senate, etc…
You’re really asking, “how does a minority continue to exist in the face of a fascist majority?”
The answer is, generally, they don’t.