Would it be like a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) but then for Android?
Would it be like a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) but then for Android?
Is your IP adres same as localhost and you are using Windows Pro, then probably IIS is installed on your device.
The play was not fair, in Dutch: de plee was niet ver, means the toilet was not far away😏
Almost, Holland doesn’t exist as a name of a country🙃
Accept the battery is DC 🔋and fridge runs on AC🔌
Only 10 lines of code o.O, that much!
The typo is Windows with a capital W, the rest is just not true, please don’t lie😜
Cool, then you can do what every linux user is doing, reinstall it!
Where C stop, continue in Assembly!
Get a live!
Old news, try to get something new to talk about!
Who is using Skype these days!
I just want a OS, that just install and work for all the things I want to do, without installing other stuff, because I need it to play some game or whatever.