Better than spending it giving tax breaks to the rich or subsidising companies that are destroying the planet.
Better than spending it giving tax breaks to the rich or subsidising companies that are destroying the planet.
Yeah cause leaving companies and the super rich to self regulate has worked so well.
It wouldn’t make it easier to arrange meetings because you’d have no clue if you were arranging the meeting for when people would be at work, have finished for the day, or fast asleep at night.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it’s not in the public sphere but your private collection, so you do you chap.
In my opinion privately owned art of a high enough cultural value should either not be allowed to be privately owned, or if it is then it should have to be on permanent loan to free admission public galleries. But that’s not the case.
Not this shit again
But you wouldn’t text another iPhone. You’d WhatsApp the person.
Don’t. Life’s too short.
If you’re enjoying it but it’s a hard read take a break and try again. If you’re just not enjoying it sack it.
Still partially in use the UK. We’ve got a really messed up system where metric is used for some things and imperial for others.
We tend to cook in metric but weigh ourselves in imperial (but stone and pounds not just stone)
Distance is metric for DIY and metric for driving.
Liquids are metric for most things and imperial for milk and beer.
Fair. It’s hard to know sometimes if someone has English as a first or second language. People can be really technically good, but then not understand more subtle cultural things.
Never know maybe both of our comments will help some people.
It’s common in English to refer to a collective like a company or government as though it were an individual. I think it’s just a simple short hand really.
Eg “The whitehouse said today…” We know that the whitehouse (a building) doesn’t have the power of speech and that really means “a whitehouse spokesperson working in an official capacity on behalf of the government said today”.
Really the headline should be something along the lines of “what, exactly, are Xbox business strategists thinking?” But because of the common knowledge of how this shorthand works they can just use the headline they did.
There’s probably a fancy linguistic name for it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time. Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines. - Pink Floyd
To smoke a fag in British English means a very very different thing to in American English.
Might be worth letting the uni know. Surely they’ll want to fix the site!
The thing Trek didn’t get right was that it was terrorism that brought it about.
In the end it was far more Trek, everyone got round a table and had some hard conversations and then democracy was enacted.
X Window System (X11, or simply X) is a windowing system for bitmap displays, common on Unix-like operating systems.
Would be good if we see a Vulcan being called green skin.
Not great, not terrible.
Shit on it, RIP Paul Ritter
The UK doesn’t do life sentences with no eligibility for parole. Every sentence will include eligibility for parole, with the maximum period for eligibility being around 25 years.
That’s not entirely true. Full life orders do exist.
That nurse who killed all those babies got one last year, that police officer who kidnapped raped and murdered Sarah Everard has one, Dr Harold Shipman had one, and probably most famously Mira Hindley and Ian Brady had them.
22 years is the minimum custodial part of the sentence, the rest will be ‘on licence’ so out of prison under set conditions like reporting in at a police station every week. Breach of any of the conditions or breaking any other laws is basically back to prison do not pass go.
Well, that sucks.