The “hysterical paroxysm” thing is mostly a myth. The book that brought that idea to the popular imagination was mostly bullshit.
I have quite a bit of code that requires a certain BAC/THC concentration to understand.
That’s gotta be how the Quake fast square root happened.
I like your definition of “vibe coding” better. Like, just hacking out some shitty c rogue-like, adding features as you feel like it, commenting out shit you don’t want to bother with.
Like “doodling” with code.
We’ve been subjected to costs that we shouldn’t be subjected to. In the case of Canada, we’re spending 200 billion a year to subsidize Canada. I love Canada, I love the people of Canada. I love I have many friends in Canada. The great one, Wayne Gretzky, the great. Hey, how good is Wayne Gretzky? He’s a great one.
why tf does the media present this as anything other than unhinged dementia word salad
Is Quayle still alive? He’s gotta be pissed about the “potatoe” thing.
Which is such a cool story.
Like Emma had been writing some awesome Morrowind mods for ages - she was involved with a massive project that brought children to the game, wrote some of the pioneering companion mods for that game - and then she got to collaborate with Terry fucking Pratchett on one of the best Oblivion mods ever made.
They’re 100% going to go after PREP, PEP, doxy, etc. There is already a hidden epidemic of antibiotic resistant syphillis and gonorrhea.
This will also be a leopard eating faces thing, considering the sheer quantity of “straight” conservative men that enjoy “the apps”…
With MMIW, often the cops are involved/know more than they let on. “Starlight tours” I don’t think are just a Canadian thing.
The Internet Archive - long term storage of as many books/films/music/journals/games as possible.
Like, I feel so fucked over. I wanted a Civic because they’re usually reliable, and I got a shitbox that gets so hot during the summer that my phone shuts off.
Really sucked, because Doordash/Uber for cash would be really helpful.
Good that you have an older Civic. The newer ones are lemons - Honda cheaped out on the air condenser from 2017-2021, so no AC! The electrical shit in the dash is all kinds of fucked up too.
4 & 5 from anecdotal data - friends/relatives in day care. Those are outliers but they do fit the trend.
Around 6 months is extremely common in places which use “elimination communication.” The article I linked described this.
I don’t have children but consider myself both an academic and personal stakeholder - ie, I’ve changed a fair amount of diapers and I have taught parents how to parent to reasonable success.
I personally was potty trained at 4 - as in, I have episodic memory of getting Pokémon stickers as a reward for shitting.
There’s been severe regression related to COVID too. The school district I worked at had to send out reminders to parents that potty training was a pre-requisite for preschool - and many parents put it off until the need to send the kid to school forces the issue.
Most, but the age has been steadily raising since the introduction of disposable diapers.
Many other countries have their kids potty trained by six months, as we used to.
I played a “national security defense game” as Bibi a few years ago.
It was really frustrating, because I was fucked from the beginning. Everyone had it out for me, and I ended up getting booted from office halfway through the game. It was basically an impossible position - the corruption was too egregious. (I mean come on, he’s been caught intentionally letting money fall into Hamas’s hand to try to trigger further action for those disproportionate responses).
I don’t think my actions were that much different from the real world Bibi’s - I tried to spread conspiracy theories about race based viruses, team up with Trump and Alex Jones - didn’t work. Seems to be working IRL, unfortunately.
See how in the US we wait to potty train until 3,4,5 years old, while most other countries potty train earlier. Gotta sell those pull-ups!
What humanity has done to chickens is pretty messed up honestly.
This is kinda where I’m at, but it’s not conducive to GERD unfortunately.
How do you do your beans and lentils? My mental illness has me stockpile food, so I have quite a bit of black beans and lentils, but I just can’t figure out how to cook them to make them work for me.
The red lentils seem to be less bitter than the brown ones. Lentils seem to be the best option, since you don’t have to soak them as long as beans and I struggle with that aspect of food prep.
I was trying to find some Cornish hens at Walmart today - no luck, but the chicken prices in general didn’t seem higher.
I wonder if it could be related to the difference between the way broiler versus layers are treated and kept. I think a broiler you usually kill after three months - they’re bred to get huge fast, and their bodies will literally fall apart if you allow them to live too long. (Volunteered for a while at a vegan rescue that took in chickens that fell off trucks, etc - they’d end up losing lots of feathers and looked terrible as they got older).
Layers I think are going to be kept in the conditions most conducive to spreading disease. You’re not killing them quickly, you’re trying to cram as many in a tiny space and keeping them alive as long as they’ll continue laying.
TL;DR: I suspect that we kill off the chickens we eat too fast for the disease to spread.
can we not compare the media’s complicity in the dehumanization of a group of people currently being targeted by fascist regimes to articles about whether a certain technology is useful or not