Yeah but maybe someone else does it
Yeah but maybe someone else does it
It’s not the same though, those are fictional characters. I know a real person made them, but still, it’s not the same
How do you define Tech bros? I lump them in Commerce category in my head.
Computer Science/Engineering people I have encountered are more into liberatory politics (whether they overtly acknowledge it/are awareof it or not)
I think Arts and Sciences folks need to team up and fuck up Commerce bros.
Not available on f droid yet it seems
Wtf is even this meme. This community is sick. Blocking it
Can do this today in India
Why is this interesting to some people?
I think the aussie contestant is getting disproportionate amount of mockery (and even hate). It’s becoming borderline bullying
At least it’s not wrong
Why are renters not teaming up? I am sorry but the membership in my local tenants union is frankly shameful. Unite, organise in solidarity is the only way. I know people have a limited time but that’s the situation we are in.
I don’t know, have you been to West Bank?
Exactly. To let advertisers intrude on your brain for what you get in exchange is usually an unfair bargain. People really undervalue their attention and time.
See, replication isn’t a problem if your entire field is vibes-based. A lot of economics papers I come across are like that (so much so that I am close to writing off the entire decipline as unscientific). The diff in the level of rigour you would see in e.g. particle physics versus in economics is baffling.
It used to be psychology as well but I am noticing they are more than aware of their replication crisis lately. Whereas economics feels pseudoscience with a maths clothing.
Black holes aren’t like magnets
Laughing at Trump has gotten old for me. He has bottomed out the level of idiocy so much that it’s just not funny anymore, almost like real-life flanderisation. If anything, it brings me sadness thinking how half of america is somehow more stupid than this guy.
If this community is going to be just a list of stupid shit Trump is going to say until the elections, I am not sure if I want it in my face every day, especially as a non-american. It must be possible for me to block posts based on words
Edit: At least on Eternity there is such a filter! I shall see nothing about this arsehole anymore
Reputation comes from public, it requires collective action and coordination. Collective action is not easy, but it is not as hard it might seem either. For example, many open source projects in software are highly reputable without a private ownership.
He actually loves and cares about her: Kalm
In 2024 using linux is far less cognitively demanding than using windows
You are probably already aware of this, but it is worth noting that categorisation needn’t have hard boundaries, e.g. Lack of Privacy may not translate to lack of Security for everyone, but for example, a whistleblower, that can literally mean getting Boing’d