no… he was a bullfrog.
no… he was a bullfrog.
my kids will take care of me when I’m older
with what?
step 4: cut hole in chair seat.
step 5: put empty ice cream bucket under chair.
“four months in prison and he’s already starting to sound like a god damn liberal. we should ban prisons before more people are indoctrinated by the left.”
“misinformation” is too big a word for ~ 74m americans. call 'em what they are, “LIES”. the single syllable word is more likely to be understood by those who most need to.
that is true, it was originally ‘sundisk’. the ‘new’ name (from 1995), though, is a rather clever double play on words.
sandisk -> sans disk (no disk)
sandisk -> sand disk (made from sand)
western digital bought sandisk ~ 8 years ago as a form of self-preservation. their core business of mechanical hard drives was already in decline and being replaced by something completely different.
absolutely loved Oni, still one of my favorites ever.
55mbps down will be enough when lower cost is most important. it’s about the download speed we have at the office (55mbps), and at home too (faster but network gear is slower than the pipe coming in, so 55-60mbps is what i get on the main pc).
we can have a remote desktop going with multimedia coming through that (for work; low bitrate but latency matters), 2-3 hd streams, a couple screens on web sites, something downloading a huge batch of updates, an online ‘shooter’ game being played, and still not worry about loading up something else to use some more.
for straight downloads from servers and cdn that can handle it, expect 2-4 minutes for a typical linux iso download, and for big downloads about 25 gigabytes per hour max.
effectiveness of ublockorigin, noscript, or other privacy/security related addons in your browser are unaffected by ech.
a pihole on your network is likewise unaffected, as it alters the dns requests so clients like your browser or tv can’t even resolve a ‘bad’ domain to an ip.
in the olden days, one ipv4 could host one domain securely. when a client connected to that ip, the connection was encrypted with the cert for that domain it was hosting.
the finite ipv4 space was gobbled up like crazy between this and every fucking thing on the planet wanting to be online.
an update to conserve ipv4 space allows one to host multiple domains (i.e. different sites on different domains, all using https) on one ip. to do this, the client needs tells the server which domain it’s looking for on the ip it’s connecting to–in the clear. once the server knows what cert to use, an encrypted connection can be set up.
‘encrypted client hello’ (ech) allows that initial request to be encrypted.
that’s pretty much all it does.
suspends debt limit
where’s master of ‘efficiency’ elon now?
oh yea.
putting two and two together:
no debt limit = unlimited tax cuts for the wealthy
while still cutting services and benefits for the masses.
they’re trying harder to hide that now. as of last year, a sg-based holding company owns a uk-based company which owns the original developer, the software, and numerous regional branch offices.
kinda sucks, because it is a nice program. doesn’t have feature parity with microsoft office, but it’s got pretty much everything that most users need or would want. it’s also horribly slow on lower-spec hardware.
“hey look at all that budget we cut!”
“what to do… what to do… already cut my taxes, three times… hmmmm…”
“i know, lets go to mars! you’re buying.”
yup. cable got too damn expensive to have just to be able to get the local channels (only way to get them where i am). really should’ve dumped them years before i finally did. haven’t had a streaming sub in a couple years either. i mainly watch old recordings (some on tape, even), discs, and other things i have here. and maybe once or twice a month, i’ll look for something different or ‘new to me’ on a free service. i get enough news and current events from public radio when i’m in the car or when the radio is on at the office.
doesn’t need to be, of course. they just want to cut social security because ‘the poors’ rely on it more.
debt reduction efforts
deep-six every loophole used mostly or only by the wealthy to avoid paying their share of taxes.
increase funding for irs, streamline enforcement actions, give them the resources needed to go after the big fish.
eliminate the cap on social security contributions, lower the ceiling on benefits for the very wealthy retirees, while raising the minimum benefit.
single payer tax funded health care, paid by higher taxes on the wealthy.
raise the capital gains rates. raise the estate tax, lower the assets value needed to trigger it.
raise the marginal rates for high income earners (by a lot. i want reagan screaming from beyond)
budget problem fixed. well over $2 trillion a year pumped into the economy by people who are now no longer padding insurance companies’ bottom lines with it. but we aren’t done yet…
$12/hr min wage (wait wut!!! wait for it…)
$24,000 universal tax credit for everyone. the higher taxes up^there on high income earners would negate this for them, and they fund it for the others that do receive it.
this is a compromise between the $15 (or higher) crowd and small businesses. a little lower fed min wage than what’s being pushed, but then essentially doubled based on full time work via the tax credit all receive.
won’t someone think of the husbands and their feelings of inadequacy and inferiority after they see what’s on store shelves?
i might have voted this one down, because the ‘FINDINGS’ part of the legislation didn’t include mention of the species’ dislike for spray painted diaper fillers.
nah, mate. stay on the ground floor. it’s safer.
this is stuff that never would have made it all the way to implementation anyway; with voters shooting off their own feet last month, and some hand-picked maga judges ruling against the policy.