Poison. The house will be uninhabitable for a week, but they’ll be gone.
You also didn’t answer the question. Are you just trolling?
Are you saying pensions are allowed to go below minimum wage in the U.S.?
11k is like $5.5/h, assuming you’re working full time. It’s well below minimum wage.
Definitely don’t lock yourself in with them and repeatedly stab their lungs in a flurry of blows on both sides. That could cause their lungs to collapse and / or fill with blood, which might result in a death by either filling your chest with air but still gasp for air, or drowning in their own blood. And nobody wants that.
You can definitely dogpile while maintaining composure. See exhibit A. It’s the “your opinion is wrong and you should feel ashamed of it” aspect being repeated in earnestness that disheartens me.
Yep. It was a sad excuse not to intervene in 2014, but now? Pathetic.
I’m disappointed in this community. Someone voices an opinion that is contrary to the majority and, instead of lively discussion, I see dogpiling? To be fair, there is discussion, but in the past I saw any attempts at dogpiling being cut at the start. I see it flourishing here. I hope this isn’t a sign of things to come.
To free him
“I’m thinking about my doorbell, when are you gonna ring it, when are you gonna ring it?”
Wikia used to be so good.
Oh shoot. It was a great joke and I totally missed. Woooosh.
‘77 punk lasted really only 3 years. I’m thankful for it happening.
“Hey, this is exactly like a strawberry pie, if you replace the strawberry by veggies and meat, and the pie by water. It’s actually a stew.”
By all means, do whatever comparison you want, but I’ll reserve the right to disagree.
Holy tight brassiere, Batman!
I get all that. It’s the punchline that makes no sense.
Look, another deeply troubling toxic relationship with retail.
Depends on the dude.