I don’t get what they gain out of this, doesn’t it remove the sponsored results? Or will people pay to nudge AI weights to recommend their products?
I don’t get what they gain out of this, doesn’t it remove the sponsored results? Or will people pay to nudge AI weights to recommend their products?
That would mean all taxes are theft.
You’re welcome to have that perspective, but it doesn’t map well onto any modern legal framework for ownership.
It’s not meaningless, it’s about who controls a thing. What makes you think ownership must not have conditions?
I don’t think taxes negate ownership.
If you rent you need permission for every modification, every pet, even for something like planting a garden.
Ownership can be conditional; you can own a domain, but if you don’t pay the renewal fee it can be taken away; you can own a car, but if you drive it without paying your registration it can be impounded; you can own a business, but if you don’t pay your license renewal it can be revoked.
Owning something doesn’t mean it can never be taken away or that you don’t need to do anything to keep it.
Like 10% of all housing sits vacant, the lack of supply in the market is not just a lack of units, it’s also a strategy by investors to keep prices high.
Both actually, as depressing as that is. The entire region started as the Oregon Territory just before the civil war, and ever since the beginning has had to grapple with far right nutjobs.
Over time the coastal west of each state became more and more blue and populous, while the east stayed rural and backwards.
Things are slowly changing though, Spokane county has voted blue for the past decade.
The Columbia flows through Eastern Washington, it’s on the other side of a mountain range from Seattle. That’s like threatening to cause an avalanche at Banff to hurt Vancouver.
In either case it’s the environment that would bear the brunt of the conflict. If you want to hurt Seattle you could just raise our electric bill.
Basically every Unix-derived OS comes with vi. Emacs came out in 1976, macs didn’t exist until 1984.
LLMs are a type of machine learning. Input is broken into tokens, which are then fed through a type of neural network called a transformer model.
The models are trained with a process known as deep learning, which involves the probabilistic analysis of unstructured data, which eventually enables the model to recognize distinctions between pieces of content.
That’s like textbook machine learning. What you said about interpreting sentiment isn’t wrong, but it does so with machine learning algorithms.
I figure the best way to convince China to stop supporting Russia is to give them a better option. Europe is a bigger economy and more in line with many of China’s goals. Russia is chaotic and weak by comparison.
Replace the US with China
Under 50%, he only got 49% of the vote.
They’re already well on their way.
It’s actually quite rare for crocodiles to eat capybaras, they have a mutually beneficial relationship. The primary predator of the capybara is the jaguar.
There were none under Biden either if I remember correctly.
There’s more protests on Monday, and we’re only getting more angry.
Well, if someone changes their name you’d add a new record with the same SSN to hold their new name, that way it keeps the records consistent with the paperwork; old papers say their old name and reference the retired record, new papers use their new name and reference the new record.
You can use the SSN as the key to find all records associated with a person, it doesn’t have to be a single row per SSN, in fact that would make the data harder to manage and less accurate.
E.g. if someone changes their last name after getting married, it could be useful to be able to have their current and former name in the database for reference.
Same cable, same port, I don’t really care what it’s called if the capabilities are the same.
3D is important for stuff like VR, there’s a reason it’s the predominant cable for headsets.
Maybe, but I could see thunderbolt replacing HDMI and display port over time. It can carry video, audio, data, and power simultaneously, and has more bandwidth for additional information like HDR or 3D.
The AI suggests painting it and adding it to a garden as decoration.