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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • As no seems to have answered this, the EU’s political structure is more resistant to the anti-consumer desires of large corporates, particularly as the ones impacted aren’t European.

    Culturally the EU is diverse but broadly there is a lot more interest in / support for nurturing the common good (as opposed to beggar thy neighbour policies of the GOP). In particular pro-consumer policies are popular and get politicians re-elected, which segues to the next difference

    The EU is less influenced (not zero, less) by political donations from large corporates than the US. Very little of the priorities of the average person makes it into law in the US, a slightly larger sliver gets through in the EU.

  • Putin has transparently murdered dozens of people far more important to the West without being toppled.

    Russia’s newly displayed military impotence shifts the calculus, but Prighozin isn’t the guy to cause an international uproar.

    That isn’t however the argument the article is making (noting I’m rather dubious on it).

    They’re not arguing that NATO will suddenly invade because Pringles got SAM’d.

    They’re arguing that a) the Wagner lieutenants are competent and experienced which makes it likely that they are not only capable but likely to be effective at seeking vengeance; and b) that Putin has systematically culled all the competent generals and hence there’s a reduced capability.

    Now I’m dubious on the likelihood of the first, and while the second is true I’m not as convinced it will be a game changer.