Modular auxiliary thruster.
Modular auxiliary thruster.
Thanks man!
It’s a failed state that ‘elects’ terrorists who have destroyed any actual opportunity for economic independence or peace.
There’s no way forward with Hamas in charge IMO. But what can be done. Any kind of ‘go in and fix it’ from Israel is going to be terrible in terms of optics even if done with complete benevolence, which it won’t, even if they’re not as bad.
They could just annex it and move forward with a highly inclusive approach, give Palestine the quality of life they deserve. But that wouldn’t sit right with many, for quite fair reasons. Leave a power vacuum? Unlikely to go well.
I think Palestine needs external support and guidence to stand on its own and be a functional state. I’d say that Egypt or Jordan would ‘look’ best to do that. But it raises a huge number of problems.
At the moment it’s basically festering, and things will never improve under the current leadership. What they demand is not reasonable or acceptable, and what they will do until they (Hamas) get what they want is also unacceptable.
So really, it’s a question of whether Palestine will ever deal with Hamas themselves, and if not, who else can/should.
Coming at this from a very basic level, but I’m wondering if this could help me.
I have such an unnecessarily hard time with Bluetooth. I have all kinds of devices (usually speakers, headphones and such) which I don’t use, because switching them between input devices can be like pulling teeth.
For example:
I’ve been thinking about making a physical central BT ‘broadcaster’ which I pair everything to. It would be able to take multiple aux or bluetooth inputs, and would have a switch or mixer to control the inputs.
Would something like this help with any of those issues without having to build something like that (which also wouldn’t be optimal)?
Im on mobile, and some of those features have gone way over my head!
I think that’s what they’re saying, in that, use proxmox to host a gaming vm. But choosing a hypervisor that can run games well bare-metal does sidestep some potential headaches.
I’m just going to launch missiles in this direction, if you get hit, that’s your fault!
Says Ukraine.
Lol like Ukraine did with their nukes?
So who’s going to disarm first? If the Russians disarm and fuck off home then yeah, war’s over. But what you’ve actually got are genocidal murderers and rapists trying to destroy a nation of people, and you in your armchair saying that we should allow it to continue. These are actual, real people. But feel free to head over there and spread the good word.
The aggressors can stop whenever they want to. Suggesting that Ukraine shouldn’t have the means to protect itself is utterly ignorant.
What the fuck has this got to do with right or left wing?
I love Linux, but I do generally consider it a special-purpose OS. Servers, embedded stuff, etc, I will always go with some flavour of Linux.
But for a daily driver I do struggle imagining using anything other than Windows. Like sure, I could probably get all my games and CAD software working in a Linux OS. But I can easily grab Win10 LTSB and have everything just work. I have to make a living from my machine, and ultimately I just need it to work.
If I was doing just web and office work, then it would be no harder really, but I’ve finally accepted that not everything should be a project!
I think ‘shitting on’ is a bit of an exaggeration, it was a passing comment from a technical guy during a tour that didn’t mention GN and was in response to a question about why they’re building this setup and how it will be different.
I think they were likely thinking of GN, but I didn’t read it as quite so ‘aggressive’.
But then how else can I overcomplicate things? You’re right, thanks, and also thanks for the heads up on Proxmox. I picked up an old Checkpoint 4800 for less than the 400g solid copper heatsink is worth which I will run Proxmox on, which will give me a chance to get to know it!
The server is amazing, way quieter than I expected, I had a whole soundproofed rack planned, but the fans just chill at 20%! I think it’ll be almost silent once I have the rack built.
Lots of people get on okay with it, and I’m not the most experienced, but docker problems with Scale seem to be common, and the direction TrueNAS is going with Scale isn’t going to make it any better.
I think Core is a bit better. But I’m definitely going to move away from it for Docker. Unraid was so easy for Docker, and I see it has ZFS support now, I’ll let you know how I get on.
Also, don’t forget the 720 has an internal USB port, because I did!
There’s always LTSC. Can also see security updates being extended again similar to Win7
I agree entirely with your point, although I’m not sure ‘taxation without representation’ should be the takeaway. I think expert knowledge can be weighted heavier than random voters, but ultimately, there does need to be general consent, otherwise ‘achieveing strategic goals’ can be used to justify some heinous shit!
The right way to start the week! I’m sure all these repairs are being done to the highest standards with full structural surveys, no way for all these strikes to be causing cumulative damage…
This is life-changing. I can’t believe this has been such an easy option!
Like OP, I couldn’t really put my finger on why I found so much of this stuff frustrating, I think this will make a big difference for me.
Which makes them superior, which is why they are used. Cost can’t be ignored any more than the torque or speed, speccing parts that are considerably more expensive that achieve equivalent results is bad engineering unless you have a very specific application that requires it.
If it was ‘objectively inferior’ we wouldn’t use them. You build to your requirements, not by playing top trumps with competing technologies while ignoring the cost.