Religion is the cause. You are not allowed to think outside the cult. There are a lot of idiot Americans who don’t own guns or are exposed to them, so the lead theory is not valid in that sense.
Religion is the cause. You are not allowed to think outside the cult. There are a lot of idiot Americans who don’t own guns or are exposed to them, so the lead theory is not valid in that sense.
Do not measure your life by the holidays, any of them. No one is a failure because a holiday is not perfect. And being alone is not always a bad thing. Be thankful that you are not in a toxic or violent relationship. And single people are not losers. Every individual gets to decide how, when and if they participate in social rituals, and holidays are one of them. It’s ok to hate them or love them. But it’s never ok to make others, or yourself, feel bad for having and making your own choices about social rituals. I personally left holidays in the past many years ago. I’m done, I’m full thanks. And I won’t feel bad because someone wants or expects me to participate. And I won’t make others feel bad because they don’t hold my views. We are all Human, and we all get to decide whats best for our self.
So… basically 1 ketchup covered Ferrero Rocher? Hmmmm
Hero needs to have his posse.
It’s to take your picture for the “database”, download your phone contents, and give you a thorough all over “feel up”.
OTA, no. Cable, no. $$ for streaming, no. Ads, no. I watch a lot of shows from many countries (AKA I read a lot of shows), but rarely from the US. I hate US tv, it’s so formulaic and boring. I don’t even watch very many movies anymore. Mostly documentaries.
No, he just re-did the NAFTA, and it’s not better.
The actual fact is, xelon is really only worth 3 rubles. And he has some money. Chicken manure has more value than him.
This is what the dog is thinking…
“I brought you a cup of hot novachuk tea.”
Square Pizza = I hate my employees & I’m too cheap to give you full pizza. Triangle Pizza = We appreciate you very much!
Now do DeSatan, LOCK HIM UP!!!
That’s gonna be my Drag Name. “Welcome to the stage Pussy Pop!”
No, I didn’t. The church is full of sexual predators, no reason to read more about it.
For better reasons go here.
If they are finding dildos next to the toothpaste, that’s a dumb walmart employee. Toothpaste is horrible lube. No more minty holes!
At this point he’s probably lucky that animals can’t get lawyers. Imagine the horror the neighborhood pets endured.
There is a venn diagram where Idiot is the center. Not everyone who is a xian owns a gun, not all gun owners are xians, and yes, there are xians who worship the NRA. National Russia Association