Dude in grey is sleeping and we dont see the legs(might wear shorts)
This but a Scratch
Looks like a jig you put an a saw or a router to follow a edge with a given distance.
Thats the Safeword for Bondage while gagged
For now…
Imagine yourself as one of your inner circle Friends and sometimes check if you would talk to your friends like your brain talks / thinks about you. We are often so mean / demanding to ourself and often dont know when something is not good for us, but we tend to be good at caring for our friends.
And to add on that R&D thing. It’s supposed to be move fast and break things to learn what things are not working good enought so you can deliver a finished not-breaking-stuff-thing.
That invoice will have some zeros…
Seems like a farsighted move to get rid of the upper class
I relfected my own insecurities about my sexuality onto my partner, sadly i didnt realised that they where nonbinary :(
It certainly wasnt the final nail in the coffin but something i still feel guilty about.
it just depends on the friend circle, i dont think that it would be weird in mine
I think that those are tiles, when layed properly they cant be removed without damaging them.
Not realy since Open source is most of the time still the best Option, and you cant realy controll Open source since there is always the option to fork Things. (For example If the US decided that China ist a NoNo the Open source Community in EU or India can do what they want since it is not under their jurisdiction)
Strawhat in the Summer
Veggies, because i dont eat meat but want to watch.
You coule give Fennec a try, its basicly Firefox without the questionable bits