For easy drinks (beer, wine, or simple liquor/ soda mixes), $1 is fine. If they have to bust out a tool like a muddler or peeler, you should probably give more than $1.
For easy drinks (beer, wine, or simple liquor/ soda mixes), $1 is fine. If they have to bust out a tool like a muddler or peeler, you should probably give more than $1.
I don’t think it’s as likely that the Feds break this strike like they did with the railroads. Their argument against the rails was that almost every other industry relies on them to move product, while having fewer new cars will only effect the new and used car markets. With however hundreds of millions of usable vehicles that are already out there, this strike doesn’t really have the same opportunity to spill over to the larger economy.
If the UAW can get a 32-hour week, that would be a MASSIVE step in getting it done for the rest of the work force. It would be a perfect example of how unions benefit all workers, not just the ones actually in the union.
He also co-hosts a podcast called “The Climate Deniers Playbook” that you might might like as well. There are only a few episodes out, but they’re all great.
So it sounds like your dad is right?
Here’s the most recent one in my gallery.
My Ex used to work in Saks 5th Avenue, so I would often browse around while waiting for them. I once saw a short sleeve button up shirt on the clearance rack that I really liked. It was $175 after the discount. I never seriously shopped in there after that.
I like the theory that all of the crashed alien ships are from the aliens “B-Team” and the reason they keep crashing is because the actual good pilots are off doing actually important things and the ones we see are just bad at their jobs.
A live action show Set in the LoL universe following a cleric/ support class character version of Ted who slowly solves every other character’s internal traumas to slowly better the world around him?
Home Improvement & Lego Star Wars (the new one). I would watch a Lego version of Home Improvement. You get to watch Tim burst into pieces and get hilarious injuries constantly while being fine literally seconds later! Neighbor Wilson could always have that popsicle stick fence prop he used for cast bows! I think it would be hilarious!
(For the record, I do not habitate with any children, and I am in my 30s.)
Well she is the prime demographic for phone scams… so yeah, probably.
But now they separate your subscribed channel’s shorts for their regular videos. Since most channels put out 3-6 shorts a day, all they did was clog my feed. Now I can at least ignore the shorts section to see the long form videos I care about.
Can’t the government see that if they allow people to get life saving drugs for slightly less money, then the pharmaceutical CEOs will only be able to buy a 53-foot yacht before the next regatta? They’ll be laughing stocks! (/s just in case)
But seriously, fuck all corporate greed, but especially fuck corporations that keep people sick.
We have the MSRP (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price), but that’s not given for every product, but more importantly it’s exactly what it sounds like; a suggestion. There’s no governing body to make sure stores are in line with MSRP.
Are you thinking of Jai Alai? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jai_alai
Pickled okra. You can find it in most large grocery stores with the rest of the pickles and olives.
It also helped to keep the pickles away from the crackers as well. That way the crackers can’t soak up any errant juices.
Pope Francis has already said that if intelligent life is found, that they would also be considered children of God, so you’re right on your first point.
Has the same energy as this. https://youtu.be/ough1o7wRKU?si=lSKpp1RmL2uBcDff