Yeah yeah, AOSP and all that. Despite, Android is made primarily by Google to push Google products and most apps depend on Google services. For all intents and purposes, Android is a first party OS for Google.
Alt account:, used to interact in places where federation is still spotty on .world.
Yeah yeah, AOSP and all that. Despite, Android is made primarily by Google to push Google products and most apps depend on Google services. For all intents and purposes, Android is a first party OS for Google.
Google literally owns Android tho.
From a technical point of view:
From a feature/version point of view:
From a philosophical point of view:
My personal preference:
Oh sorry for misunderstanding 😅
I watched a lot of videos to understand the basic principles, read a lot of forums and blog posts about roasting and the gene in particular, completely fucked up my first 5 roasts, tried half a dozen “recipes” before finding something that works for me 😅
Because why not? “it’s gonna be a fun hobby”, “my local roaster is too expensive, it will pay for itself in 3 years”, “I wanna try beans I can’t find at my local roaster’s”…
Thanks! Perfectly fine yes ;)
Today I’m making yet another variation of my witbier, this time with kweik and lemon balm.
Oh thanks, I’ll check it out.
I tried running the tgz a few months ago. It needed a shitload of deprecated python dependancies, I’m not well versed in python so after the 10th pip install I gave up.
Version 4 is unfortunately closed source and paid.
Yeah I’ve heard you can’t go wrong with either option. I think I went for the Gene because it’s much easier to find in Europe.
Lightning is not perfect but it’s more yellow and fuchsia. Still looks amazing :D
Truth is, I went straight for the Gene. The Behmor is also a popular option in entry-level coffee roasters.
Most places seem to recommend to start with a cheap popcorn machine or a heat gun and a dog bowl as a low-cost way to get you feet wet.
They’re loud as fuck. But they feel amazing. It’s like a jolt every time you hit the contact point. Closest modern switches to the legendary buckling springs I’ve ever tried.
My “baseline” nowadays is:
As a rule of thumb, I found that fruitier coffees benefit from a higher temp and therefore a quicker roast.
I drop anywhere from 30s to 1 min after the beginning of 1C.
You DO love coffee. You’re just not as far down the rabbit hole as I am :D
The smell is heavenly and lingers for days ❤️
Compared to supermarket and most small scale roasters I’ve tried, orders of magnitude better. At least I can roast everything in my preferred light-to-medium range instead of finding that those “filter roast” beans are acrid charcoal. Nowadays I can even pull off a fruity acidic citrusy bean most of the time.
However I’m lucky to know a great, if slightly expensive and sometimes inconsistent, roaster a few towns over. So better… Maybe not. Cheaper, hell yes.
The Dark Side of Wine leads to many abilities some consider to be… unnatural.
But mostly,
Didn’t keep it long tho, there were many issues and I didn’t fully trust a cracked version of Photoshop on my main computer. It didn’t survive reinstall when I upgraded my SSD.
FX300 Angular. Basically the WipeOut Pure typeface.