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“Wow! 100k is a lot” No, in the grand scheme of things in 2024, it is not.
Virtual Casino. More addictive than IRL ones. Insidiously pushed on kids. Predatory. As Fuck.
Tl;dr i dislike hypocrisy of those whonare silent until it affects the privileged who arent conditioned to not be in the shoes of the marginalized.
Vanilloids in the thead need to take a fuckin joke. See my other post in thread. I dont have the energy nor obligation to unpack the deeplore (tl;dr incels appropriated/co-opted the term from a woman and femcel memes are a kind-of spiritual successor and reclamation which is fuzzywarmbutedgyposting) and the MRA’s in the thead are soggy about what is imo fairly mild humor given the traumas we commiserate. (Not like it matters but im happily partnered in >1 lesbian relationships; heart goes to my sadgrrl club all the same)
Ima be real w u, as a woman, in this economy, rent’s fucking expensive so if someone from c/femcelmemes wants to set me up like this, set me up with an ethernet line and it’s a deal.
One major idea from feminsm is your gender shouldnt matter. Yeah no shit, locking up anyone agaisnt their consent is fucked up. Take a joke snowflake 🙄 /hj
Gender’s a scam. Stop making up a guy to be indignant about. You only care when you have a status quo to defend and like it or not, men benefitn from their percieved status where women have to work so much harder to be taken seriously.
Thats exactly why Ill reply with this, and refuse to engage in any debate or what abouts. Yku dont have to worry about policing your thoughts and having others police them the way women do. Do not have time to allow you to ratchet the overton window rightward gg ez 🤷♀️
Lol the cishets arent ready for this joke. It triggers them. Oh no their safe space. We must contain ourselves to our widdle queer subforums and never disturb their hive mentality /s
Tl;dr at end
Barbarism We are (indeed) no more evovled or “civilized” than australiopithicus or cro-magnons, nor the marauding vikings.
Tribalism Im sick of the cop-out using this word too.
So yeah, signal boost to Andrewism (a channel name which is roughly about rejecting isms/be your own ism; this one helps articulate where I’m coming from about why tribalism gets a bad rep.)
We in the modern age operate under the dangerous misconception regarding our heritage. If one should ask the average citizen whether or not they believe humans are more evolved than our ancient ancestors they will more often than not express the belief that we are indeed far, far superior.
Surely we are more sophisticated and more capable of reason than the hunter gatherers of 13,000 BC. More civilized than the marauding Vikings of 1,000 years ago. We imagine these peoples as ignorant, primitive, barbaric. “wE aRe nOt tHoSe pEoPlEs.”
In fact Homo sapiens–modern humans–share an inherited gene pool with the earliest hominids like australopithecus who lived 2.5 million years ago. We possess no significant physiological differences than Cro-Magnon or the Neanderthals. Nor does evidence suggest our tendencies toward the barbaric have lessened over time.
On the contrary, present day humans are capable of the same self destructive behavior, the same crimes against humanity, the same violent power struggles as our ancestors. We appear to be doomed by our DNA to repeat the same destructive behaviors our forebears have repeated for millennia. If any thing our problem solving skills have actually diminished with the advent of technology and our ubiquitous modern conveniences.
And yet, despite our predisposition toward fear-driven hostility, toward what we anachronistically term ‘primitive’ behavior another instinct is just as firmly encoded in our makeup. We are capable–as our ancestors were–of incredible, breathtaking acts of kindness.
Every hour of every day a man risks his life at a moment’s notice to save another. Forget for a moment the belligerent, benevolent billionaires who grant the unfortunate a crumb of cost-free cake.
I speak of pure acts of selflessness. The mother who rushes into the street to save a child from a speeding vehicle. The person who runs into a burning building to reach a family trapped on an upper story. The man who can barely swim who dives into a lake to rescue a drowning stranger.
Such actions, such moments, such unconscious selfless decisions define what it is to be human. Daniel Ash
Tl;dr: The root cause analysis into the violence, inequity and needless sufferung results in the recognition of Class War: That ruling elites in this modern NeoColonial Imperialist Era have shaped Fear Propaganda Campaigns to divide the working class (modern day: anyone not a C-level Executive Officer) into atomization. A wonderful example is the Prohibition in the USA exacerbating and profit / acquisition of political capital by dividing the not-so-white americans from the white-white americans. Preceeded by anti-chinese propaganda by proxy of conflation with opiate usage and anti-black (dock workers of 1910’s), and followed by the cannabis prohibition.
All of these have economic roots, as do things we call “natural” such as the nuclear (imperial) family, and the conflation and dyaditic flattening of gender such that working class Men alone were afforded a wage, to then take a wife to subjugate and make up the economic difference with unpaid domestic labor; an arrangement which is far from universal or pre-ordained.
Root causes are not easily tl:dr’d
IF that’s true:
Doesnt matter if you do; your anecdotal life experience does not make for a better world for people who use.
What’s more, im not given to policing my own emotions, nor allowing you to judge my emotions, as if we should be robots. Humans are emotional and biased, acting otherwise doesnt make you the very enlightened voice of logic and reason you seem to think it does – Thst’s just basic manipulative behavior.
With all do buddy…
Enjoy the block 😇
This is, at least in part, the topic of the book Capitalist Realism – basically the Reagan-Thatcherite thinking that no other system could exist 10 min vid using fallout to explain that
Now, Valve could today make the company entirely a worker-owned cooperative, with sociocratic decision making. They could even extend these to consumers, a gaming collective. That’d still participate in capitalism, but it would do a lot of good systemically, compared to other options.
Safe consumption sites save lives and improve communities, blatantly so when compared to the status quo. Fuck outta here with that tired, bloodsoaked, right-wing, reactionary NIMBYism.
You dont care and that dehumanization is why you’ll catch an ez block; I’m not rehashing this debate for the nth time.
To those reading on or willing to learn more:
Https:// Actually hear the perspectives from survivors of the War on People [mostly of color] who use Drugs 5 minutes on why Harm Reduction/Safe Consumption Centers are a better way
Respond to right wing reactionaries who go out of their way to complain about vegans simply with “😇💌Triggered”
There. Now you are the Good Vegan™️
Nah they’ll cower in other subthreads
Not even worth engaging with the obvious wUdAbOuT troll. Ty for doin it but fuuuck mute block delete, or speak past them and to those reading instead.
Preach it. One can appreciate mods efforts while also pushing back against respectability and “civility” discourse. Far from mutually exclusive, we need folks to more often acknowlwdge how exhausting the same tired mythbusting gets.
Moderation is lethal unless it prefigures itself to account for those who are silenced (and often far worse) by the wave of noise that is the statua quo. It’s not just some nice thing a person does. There is a power dynamic and that means responsiblilty, being held accountable to that responsibilty, and if nothing fucking else than not being surprised to be greeted with frustrated profanity where they have fallen short. Maybe mod less subforums, but dont blame the marginalized folks standing up for themselves.
Thank. You.
Ez upvote holy fuck I’d trade places in a second as an anti-authoritarian, high-covid-risk person ill absolutely take that deal vs living in the land of the walking small pox blankets where the Small Business ™️ must flow.
The absolute fucking gall of comparing that to the 14 characteristics of fascism. Must be nice to be so insulated.
Are you? stfu or go invent a microwave that prevents neoliberal mayors and govenors (at least in the US’s system) from sicking cops on their own constituents while giving the real estate contracts to their buddies who are only interested in building McMansions. 🤡
Edit: As a rule I dont get dragged into pointless debates.
Im as enthusiastic for space as they come.
Simply put, until we address the root causes of systemic injustice which are low hanging fruit, and by that I mean do away with the parasitic billionaires who prevent that, any venture into space shall be doomed to come crashing back down for the self-canniblizing fascism which imperialism is.
It’d be funny, if it werent so sad, to see clearly the indignance and hipocrisy from those who believe themselves so enlightended, double down on the “importance of space” exploitation, capital extraction and colonization…without ever considering the rest of the picture.
I used to be bothered by the lyric
spendin all
theirOUR money building rockets they can shoot into the stars
Neoliberals had their chance with this fucking dynamic, and blew it.
I have no interest in a future in space that is owned by assholes and authoritarians. That doesnt mean i give up on Star Trek. It means I recognize this society is barreling ignorantly toward the bell riots.
Either way I’ve entirely lost faith in his ability to do fuck all. 🤷♀️
I legitimately don’t understand …
Well, if one were to try to understand why someone with commitment to their dignity, with morals, with humanity for the victims of this particular genocide might not gleefully lick Bernie’s sandals – and wanted to do that sincerely, you might drop in around the 48 minute point here:
Maybe he’s better than other democrats but noone’s obligated to go along with such tacit acceptance of such a gruesome, soul-cleaving state of the overton window.
As it’s said; the bar’s in hell.
I am sure your concern is indeed legitimate and that you will fully digest and absorb the perspectives offered in considering your thoughtful response.
I asked them if they wanted to hear a funny joke.
Then i spoilered “go fund yourself”
I did not say fund.
Ig some people found that funny, and a mod didnt.
I dont find the person I told to fund themself, to be here in good faith.
Have a nice day!!