Hardly. My recent comments have all been about things other than gaza. My last comment was calling out a double standard and the one before that criticised both hamas and Israeli government. If you’re going to chat shit then fucking look properly.
Hardly. My recent comments have all been about things other than gaza. My last comment was calling out a double standard and the one before that criticised both hamas and Israeli government. If you’re going to chat shit then fucking look properly.
Look at ops post and comment history. They post articles that only ever paint Palestine or hamas in a negative light, never any articles about settlers in the west bank or the killing of journalists by the IDF. Op has taken a side and is pushing an agenda.
Not how OF works. You can upload only solo videos if you want or work with one person if you want.
Would be nice to see a new entry. I’ve been dying to see Apollo learn the truth about Trucy since finishing the second Apollo game.
It’s a standard mo for Britian. Do whatever they can to deny that a problem exists in the first place. You see it in the Tory party with islamaphobia, the labour party with antisemitism, Nigel garage denying he’s a racist, the government denying racism in the met and the former met commissioner denying that there’s rampant sexual misconduct in the met.
British people want to bury their head in the fucking sand and ignore a problem until people move onto something else. And it speaks volumes that I’ve not seen anything about this situation in the BBC or the guardian, wouldn’t expect any of the others to even mention it because they’re so fucking biased.
This game is so fucked. It won’t be golden age bioware because that stopped being a thing over a decade ago and its a bit rich ign playing into the “bioware is dead” bs when they rated inquisition as their game of the year when it released. Personally I’m cautiously optimistic as I’ve enjoyed every bioware game I’ve played in some form and I’ve played all but anthem and balders gate. Andromeda had flaws yet I still had fun and inquisition I enjoyed a lot more than 2.
Same and as lemmy is the only one I use, it’s annoying as fuck.
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It is important, when killing a nun, to ensure that you bring an army of sufficient size. For Sister Thorn of the Sweet Mercy Convent Lano Tacsis brought two hundred men.
Red sister by Mark Lawrence.
Same. I’ve the twilight app on my phone because my phones filter is shite. Same thing with f.lux on pc and my Lenovo tablet which only came out last year doesn’t even have a filter. It just dims or turns things black and white which is fucking useless if I’m looking to read a comic or something.
Holland and Barrett sell supplements. Some people do need to take a vitamin d tablet a day. I do but I’ve got a prescription for a vitamin d and calcium tablet because I’ve been low for years.
Not really. It’s people being lazy as fuck and not bothering to actually check what’s being said. Anyone with half a brain knows not to instantly believe support for Palestinian civilians equals antisemitism and wanting to see all Jews/Israelis gassed.
I’m the dude who’s playing a dude who’s disguised as another dude.
Playing through ff7 rebirth and was trying to finish a dragon age origins play through I’ve had going on since 2022. I’ve had rebirth since launch but I’ve only really had a chance to play it from last week as I’ve been ill most of the year until recently. Also have dragons dogma 2 which I haven’t played much for the same reason.
Not interested. I really don’t enjoy the books so I’m not spending 40 minutes an episode to see if I “might” enjoy the sort of adaptation. Plus I really don’t want to see orgies with mute students and foxes fucking. I don’t even watch wheel of time and I loved those books. I actually don’t really watch any adaptation because I’m usually disappointed in some way.
I’m sure the fact that Nintendo systems sell well with families and has been massively cheaper than a ps5/Xbox series x plus been available for much longer and there’s been very little stock problems unlike the ps5 has nothing to do with why its one of the top selling systems… Comments like yours always read like propaganda as they never mention other factors than games.
Good for you mate. I have about 20 and I hardly ever play the damn thing. There hasn’t been enough exclusives on it that has made buying it worthwhile and I don’t play handheld ever so I just buy multiplat on pc or ps5.
I usually don’t but there’s a cafe in my town that does a fry that includes chips. I’ve also seen it commonly done when I’ve been on holiday abroad at cafes/restaurants ran by brits
That one. I finally got to act 2 earlier today and it’s definitely not for me. The writing and the structure doesn’t work for me and it feels like I haven’t even seen any plot so far. I know act 2 is after the school but I’m not reading 10 chapters to maybe see what the plot is. I couldn’t get into malazan or song of ice and fire either and I got to book 2 of malazan and actually liked book 1 before the 2nd took a different direction.
No. It’s incredibly common in the UK. Used on burgers and sandwiches. Not sure about other meals/foods.