Yeah, that ROM doesn’t support MicroG. Graphene is more focused on being hardened for security
i like analog media, photography, and steel bicycles. free palestine 🇵🇸
Yeah, that ROM doesn’t support MicroG. Graphene is more focused on being hardened for security
What ROM are you using? MicroG depends on a ROM feature called “signature spoofing” that allows it to impersonate the Play Services apps.
It’s a drop-in replacement so it should provide push notifications and location functionality just fine for every app. Other functionality such as IAPs will probably be unsupported.
From the data I see on Plexus for WhatsApp, the core functionality and notifications work just fine on MicroG, but backing up chats to Google Drive is broken.
There’s a fork of Telegram on F-droid called “Telegram FOSS” that runs a background service for notifications. I’ve used it and the effect on battery drain is pretty minor, like maybe 2% per charge. Not sure if something similar exists for Signal.
I use MicroG on my phone, it’s a basic FOSS replacement for GMS and makes push notifications work for all apps. It gets push notifs from Google’s servers but you don’t need an account. It doesn’t use Google at all for location, which is nice as that’s a highly invasive aspect of Play Services. Not all ROMs are compatible with it, I use it on Lineage
Why “foreign” bad actors? Reddit is a US company and has “former” CIA in high-up positions. The site is heavily astroturfed by US military and intelligence. The prevailing opinions seen on the site are extremely pro-NATO and pro-“Israel”. If foreign actors are trying to influence the site, they’re in the extreme minority.
The site is of course also heavily botted to fake engagement, similar to how twitter is, but i think a lot of the unpleasant people on there are real. The site caters to their hostile, antisocial behavior.
The distros such as Debian, Fedora, Arch, and Ubuntu make all kinds of DEs available to the user to install. Gnome is not in charge of this, and even if they were, the suggestion that they would make other DEs unavailable is childish. You have plenty of choices
I used to think radio stations were run from inside of the broadcasting tower, like how the CN Tower and Space Needle have decks near the top.
Especially absurd to use this propaganda angle when the West is backing Islamic fundamentalists to overthrow a secular state
Say I’m diluting a chemical at 10:1 (that’s 11 total parts) for a final volume of 240 ml. 240 ml / 11 = 21.8 ml of chemical. Now to find the water: 240 - 21.8 = 218.2 ml.
It’s not CentOS 3, it’s CentOS with Linux kernel 3.10 (a 2014 kernel). This was supported in RHEL/CentOS through 2017.
Still very dated and a bad idea, of course. And even weirder that it’s on a new machine. I’ve seen tons of stores using Win7 past it’s EOL, but on older hardware.
Inter is great, I’ve been using it (TTF hinted) as my UI font for years and it renders very sharply. I’m on Debian and KDE Plasma
It’s not made by Google though, it’s this guy, Rasmus Andersson
I’ve always used XFS on spinning drives and F2FS on SSDs. No issues, they’re very solid
I’m not familiar with exactly what you mean, does it not require a password to boot that way? I have full-disk encryption on my laptop but not with TPM, grub just prompts me for a password before the kernel boots
What it sounds like you want is only your home folder encrypted, where it decrypts seamlessly upon login. It sounds like you have encrypted OS root, which is more secure but necessarily requires a password before the system gets to the login screen.
Other than reinstalling your system, you do have the option of either making your decryption password shorter, and/or enabling auto-login after boot (if you’re the computer’s only user), so you’d only have to type one password instead of two.
it’s an extension, right? i would assume it would go away if you uncheck this option in Firefox settings:
i’ve had this unchecked so i haven’t seen it pop up in my use
Nice! What graphics card do you have? AMD generally works well out-of-the-box, but if you have NVidia you may need to install drivers
I’m not sure if it meets all your requirements, but Dolphin has a dual-panel mode if you press F3 and has lots of other configuration options as well
If the computer boots but you can’t access a GUI, use Ctrl+Alt+F3 to open a console. From there you can use nano to edit the login manager configuration. If you had GNOME installed, your login manager is probably GDM, and its config should be at /etc/gdm/daemon.conf, according to the manual. If that is the case, it looks like you should erase the username under the entry “AutomaticLogin=”.
Even if you extracted the APK, apps can tell how they were installed and may refuse to work if it wasn’t via the Play Store.